After reading my first letter, you have raised the concern of this topic of discussion as being racist. Such a concern springs from the common fear of all people in the United States of appearing racist. This is a legitimate concern because being labeled a racist in our society has very real punishments attached to it. You might lose your job, or be ostracized from any groups that you are affiliated with today, should you become viewed as a racist. These are very effective weapons to be arrayed against you for having thoughts that are not approved.
Aside from the topic we are discussing, think what that means. In the United States of America, the land of free speech, you can be persecuted very effectively because of what you believe. You must have thoughts that are approved in order to peaceably exist in society. Approved by whom? Well that is a subject for another letter. The point is that you are not your own master in the USA today. You cannot have your own thoughts, separate from the thoughts of the herd. If you are branded with one of the labels used by those who wish to control your thoughts, you will be punished for heresy. If you are tagged as a racist, sexist or other disallowed "ist" you will be punished. Does that sound like freedom? I will discuss this topic in more detail at a later time. For now let us continue with the topic of racism.
Is racism consistently considered a bad thing today? If a group of Black people wish to form an all-Black organization is it criticized as being racist and evil? No, there are many organizations that are directed at promoting the Black race exclusively, and they are nearly all held in high esteem in our society. There are Black beauty pageants and a specifically Black television network, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, and many others similar things to be found in our society today. There are Black marches, and Black leaders and Black riots. Being proud of being Black is celebrated. Being organized as being specifically members of the Black race is celebrated in our society. Being Hispanic or Asian, and promoting your race through organizations, and marches is celebrated in our society. There are Black leaders, and Hispanic leaders, who are focused upon only the well being of their own race. These leaders often say very hateful things against the White race but they are seldom condemned as being racists.
It is clear that there is a double standard at work in America today. There is one standard of acceptable racial behavior for White people, and a second standard for Nonwhite people. Think of how our society reacts to or would react to the following: the National Association for the Advancement of White People; the White Miss America Pageant; White men proclaiming themselves to be leaders for White Americans; marches in support of the White race; White people rioting for their race; wearing tee-shirts that say, "I'm White and I'm Proud"; The White Entertainment Television Network; or White Colleges. The point is that in our society today, the White race must live by a completely different standard than do all the other races.
This blatant unfairness to the White race is often justified by many excuses but the fact remains that it exists, and everyone knows it exists. The effect of this double standard has been to whittle away traditional America, and replace it with something very different. If you watch an old movie from the 1940s or a television show from the 1950s you will see one thing very clearly. America was a White nation. If you read old magazines from before 1960, you will see photos of cities in the United States where the people in the parks and on the streets were nearly all White. Ninety percent of the people were White.
When you see photos of Japan, China, Korea or other Asian nations, you see that nearly all the people in the photos are Asian in race. Is that surprising? Is it in any way evil or unacceptable? Of course not! Asian countries have Asians in them. Why is it wrong for White nations to have Whites in them? It is of course not wrong, but we have people who are promoting that mistaken idea very strongly in America today. When you see pictures of Africa, you see Black faces everywhere. In the few lands where White faces exist you will see that Whites are being either run out or killed. It will be only a matter of time and there will only be Black faces in Black Africa. Again there is no outcry because Black lands should have Blacks in them. Yet there is not a White land on earth that is not being called racist and evil if it attempts to maintain its White racial makeup.
It is very clear that racism itself is not what is considered evil by the powers that be. Being racially aware, supporting your race, even acting hostile towards other races, is only evil if you are White. The other races can and do participate in all of those activities openly and without serious condemnation from the government or the media. Jesse Jackson is not famous for being a great statesman, or politician. He is famous for being a Black man who is promoting his race at the expense of the other races, especially the White race. Martin Luther King Jr. is not famous for being an American who made things better in America for all people, but only for his people. In fact his activities made life for White Americans significantly worse in many ways. That makes these men racists, because they were promoting only one race over all other races. And guess what? These men are heroes! Racism is worthy of great respect and to be celebrated if you are any other race than White.
So, yes my first letter was racist, in the same sense that Martin Luther King Jr. was racist. But if we are honest with one another that is really not something of great concern. The only reason that White racism is condemned by our society is because it is the only thing that had protected America as a White nation for 200 years. Remember that while America was maintained as a White nation, Americans did more in the way of charity to other races around the world than any other nation on earth! It was not hate that inspired White America to preserve itself. Those who are White and hate other people do not send their hard earned money to Africa to feed their starving children. They do not send missionaries and doctors to help other races. They do not send food and clothing to those other races in need.
Racism is a self defense mechanism that protects a people from extinction. If you love your people, as Martin Luther King Jr. loved his, you will do what it takes to make things better for them, even at the expense of other people. That is a healthy thing for a people to do. If they do not do that, they will cease to exist as a people. I am not speaking here of blind hatred of other races. I am speaking of normal healthy racism which first and foremost promotes the well being of your own people.
Please do not let a label, that has been so misused, and overloaded with propaganda, distract you from the really important things we are discussing. Focus only on the facts, and upon what your own eyes tell you as you look around the world you live in. It is clear that there are those out there who are intent on destroying all forms of White racism, or racial consciousness. They would like nothing better than for all White folks to forget that they are White and just give up their lands, their possessions and their existence in favor of other races. If you study what is coming out of the media, the schools and the government today, you will see that this philosophy has saturated each of them. From every direction you are told that the survival of the White race is unimportant. Look carefully and you will see that this is so.
In looking over the accomplishments of our people, I cannot help but be impressed. And I cannot help but wonder, "Why would anyone want to bring this creative and useful race to an end?" I am sure that when you contemplate that question, searching for an answer, you will find it interesting and probably upsetting as well.
Your friend,