In my first two letters to you I discussed a serious problem, the real possibility of the extinction of our people, and also a tactic, used by those who want to see this extinction take place, to keep us from talking about it. This tactic is the using of a name, racist to close the door on meaningful discussion of the problem.
In this letter I would like to discuss the results, upon our educational system, of having accepted the egalitarian ideal as our own, in this United States of America. Before the government began forcing egalitarianism upon us as the state religion, back in the 1950s you will find that our school system was the very best in the world. We produced all of the college graduates we needed and they performed at the top level of excellence. Our neighborhoods had very low crime rates, and in most parts of this country there were no racial problems whatsoever. During elections, candidates and issues were voted for by the public, not because of how they would impact upon one or more races, but because of how they would effect the overall country.
Since the time when the Supreme Court decided to override our political and social system in the United States, we have watched our school system progressively deteriorate. Each year that went by, saw a decrease in the average college placement exam scores of our children graduating from high school. The SAT scores dropped consistently until a few years ago when they started adding an offset to the scores, making them temporarily and falsely appear higher. However, the scores then once again started going down. In other words, the education that our country provides to our children has been demonstrably sabotaged and destroyed by the forced integration of our schools.
That sounds pretty harsh doesn’t it? How could forcing the White schools into taking in other races have harmed those schools in any way? There is a clear and undeniable reason for the changes that we have seen in our school system. The reason is that the races are different. If I had said that to nearly anyone back in 1950, they would have agree with me immediately. It would have been one of those pieces of common knowledge that were accepted nearly universally. Our greatest leaders of the past realized that the races were different, including George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln. But today, that view has actually been made illegal by our Supreme Court! Imagine a fact being made illegal to accept, in a country that had always prided itself upon its freedom.
“But is it a fact?” you ask. Yes it is and there is a mass of indisputable data to back it up.
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The above graphs show that there is a tested difference in the intellectual capabilities between Whites and Blacks.(1) By integrating the two groups into an intellectually competitive environment, the Supreme Court guaranteed that our school system was going to be loaded down with huge problems that it never had before. Those problems have caused our schools to continually worsen with time. Let’s talk about how the process works:
All of this could have been easily predicted before the Supreme Court dismantled our school system. Yet, instead the public was lied to, just as it is being lied to today, with the statement that there are no real racial differences. The experts in the fields of intelligence, and intelligence testing, all know that the differences between the races are real, and that the data, upon which they base their expert opinions, meets the rigorous standards of scientific evidence. The tests are repeatable and consistent. There have been no tests ever created where the two races tested evenly. And yet it is considered in bad taste to point out those racial differences, and would be "legitimate" grounds for a law suit if you should be so bold as to base any business decision upon them.(2)
Now, after decades of this abuse of our schools by the Supreme Court, we are turning out too few college graduates who can perform the tasks required by our high tech industries. The business executives who run these industries, demand that they need to bring in foreign experts to assist in running the industries, that ironically we first invented and built here. So, the forced racial integration of our school system, which severely damaged it, is being used as an excuse to import even more Nonwhites into our already overburdened White nation. It is clear that those, who are far to the Left of our founding fathers, who control the political landscape today, including the courts, are intent on destroying this nation, in order to bring it to heal in their plans for the future. While every change made by the Left upon our society since 1950 has been demonstrably bad for the society, we live in an atmosphere of fear and persecution, where no one dares speak up about what has happened or what is going on. (Did you note the rabid attack upon John Rocker for merely stating the truth?) You can be fired for stating that racial diversity is a bad thing, for a society, or a company. It is a holy dogma of the official state religion that diversity is wonderful and it should be celebrated. Anyone who owns a business will kneel before the god of diversity or he will be sued, as required, to bend his knee. This is how they define “freedom” in our land.
I feel that all Americans should be concerned about living in a nation where the facts are covered up, and where making choices that the government does not like is persecuted. This is a very big deal!
Since desegregation, through forced integration, has been such a disaster for our country, and since we cannot even speak about it in any major forum today, and furthermore since the problem is being rapidly exacerbated by our immigration policy, it is very important that we have the facts at our fingertips, and that we share them with others. The only way our people can fix this problem, is for them to understand it and then face up to it.
As I said in my second letter, discussion of this topic is usually closed down by those who don’t want folks to think about it, by casting about the label of “racist,” whenever the subject is brought up. Our first hurdle is to reach the point where the labels from the Left are ignored, and nothing but real discussion of facts and issues will be tolerated. Once we learn to ignore the labels and only focus on what results the policies of our government have produced, then and only then, will we have a chance of repairing the damage that has been done to us.
Your friend,