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A bloody revolution is something that is to be avoided if possible, but the only hope of avoiding it is to get our people to vote their own interests for a change and soon. That is why the next tenet of The Plan has to do with voting.

The forth tenet of The Plan is to vote. Vote every time, you have an opportunity to do so. Vote early, vote often. Never miss a chance to vote. Once all White Americans start to vote regularly, the entire political system will be stood on its head. Whites will only be taken seriously when they start to vote regularly. When you vote for White issues, White issues will be taken care of. When you sit at home, you have given your country over to someone else who doesn’t care a bit about you! ALWAYS VOTE and ALWAYS PROD OTHER WHITES INTO VOTING!

The Plan is designed to bring White people into control of their own nations, and to allow them to live White lives in their White neighborhoods and White nations. A side effect of this is that the White folks will take back the control of their governments which have raped, robbed and humbled them for too long. One of the first actions of this newly reclaimed government will be to eliminate all social programs for Nonwhites. If a Nonwhite is going to live in a White nation, he will have to pay his own way. Otherwise he is welcome to leave. Once the social programs are gone, most of your taxes will no longer be needed, and they will be returned to you. That leaves a much larger chuck of money in your paycheck.

Well over $3 trillion dollars have been robbed from you to pay for social programs. That is where your money is going. Your Social “Security” is already spent. You have to hope that someone in a later generation is going to pay your way when you retire because the government has used your money up. We have dumped unbelievable amounts of money into the black hole of poverty to find that the poverty has only grown and the inner cities are destroyed. All that money spent, and nothing except deterioration and destruction to show for it. It must stop.

Before the socialists like F. D. R. and L. B. J. took our nation away from us and forced their Marxist ideas down our throats, we had charities which provided for poor people. Nobody starved in America because Americans are generous people who would never let that happen. They gave of their paychecks every week to help the poor. Now the government takes half of our paychecks, steals most of the money, passes along the rest to the unproductive portions of society as a freebee. This is insane.

The fifth tenet of The Plan is to oppose social programs at all times. Never vote for a candidate who supports government social programs. Always vote for a candidate who will remove programs and who is in support only of charities and non-governmental sources of support for the poor and the other socially needy people -- even if you have to write in your own name! Teach your children to oppose social programs and to be aware of the dangers of socialism.

As our neighborhoods are deteriorating, we are not allowed to discuss why, using OUR media. As our schools are failing to teach even the basics, and at the same time they are becoming shooting galleries, we are not allowed to discuss why in the open. We are having our nation overrun by those who have proven to be high crime risk, and yet we cannot even discuss it, let alone stop it.

When The Plan has come full term we will then be in a position to improve all of our lives by returning the airwaves to the White race, who invented the devices which transmit and receive by using those airwaves. Our children will then no longer be tempted to be drawn down into the filth of ghetto music and destructive entertainment shows on the television. When coupled with the improved schools our children will be trained daily to be civilized and upstanding citizens in a great nation once again.

The sixth tenet of The Plan is to actively oppose the Media Lords. Do not buy their newspapers. (If you must read a paper, go to the library and read it for free.) Do not support the sponsors who buy advertisement space in newspapers or advertisement time on television. Buy off brands if necessary. Do not watch television for entertainment at all. [Keep in mind that television is mental poison for your children!] Avoid movie theaters. The Media Lords are only going to promote what you hate in their movies anyway. Keep those hateful movies away from your children. Find other ways to entertain yourself. Read the classic White books which have been sitting on your shelf for too long. Read Aesop’s fables to your children. Cut the Media Lords off at the knees. Pull their fangs!

The Plan is an answer to the nightmare we are currently living through. The Plan is a way for us to fix what is wrong, without relying upon the media which has proven to be our worst enemy.

When you join The Plan you agree to the following:

1. You will recruit at least 8 other White people who have not yet joined The Plan.

2. You will follow up and support these 8 (and any others you should recruit) in making sure that each of them gets 8 more to join The Plan.

3. You will follow the Six tenets of the plan:

  • Actively oppose integration of neighborhoods.

  • Actively oppose integration of the schools.

  • Actively oppose Nonwhite immigration.

  • Vote every time, you have an opportunity to do so.

  • Actively oppose social programs.

  • Actively oppose the Media Lords and all their outlets.

4. As a member of The Plan, you will search out occasions where you can bring to light, for others, the advantages of The Plan, and having a White society.

5. As a member of The Plan, you will strive to make yourself aware of the racial facts of life so you can point them out to others from off the top of your head during casual discussions.

6. As a member of The Plan, you will search out motivational materials to keep up a courageous and enthusiastic attitude. Remember always that we are going to win. The Plan will work, never doubt it!

Print the following up, fill it in and sign it. Post it by your computer as a reminder of this very important goal. It is the great quest for all members of the White race. We must awaken our brothers and sisters before it is too late!

I ___________ do hereby give my solemn oath as a member of the White race to follow the tenets of THE PLAN to the best of my ability and to strive to recruit at least 8 other people, who are not now participants, into THE PLAN.

Signed _______________

First tenet: Oppose integration at all times. Never vote for a candidate who supports integration. Always vote for a candidate who is in full support of White neighborhoods -- even if you have to write in your own name! Teach your children to oppose integration and to be aware of the dangers of integration.

Second tenet: Oppose integration of the schools at all times. Also, we must support schools having the authority to expel and discipline criminal and other disruptive behavior. Never vote for a candidate who supports integration of the schools, or liberal permissive attitudes. Always vote for a candidate who is in full support of White schools, and White discipline for schools -- even if you have to write in your own name! Teach your children to oppose school integration and to be aware of the dangers of school integration.

Third tenet: Oppose Nonwhite immigration completely for now. Never vote for a candidate who supports Nonwhite immigration. Always vote for a candidate who is in full support of returning our White majority to at least 80 - 90% as quickly as possible -- even if you have to write in your own name! Teach your children to oppose Nonwhite immigration and to be aware of the dangers of becoming a White minority nation.

Forth tenet: Vote. Vote every time, you have an opportunity to do so. Vote early, vote often. Never miss a chance to vote. Once all White Americans start to vote regularly, the entire political system will be stood on its head. Whites will only be taken seriously when they start to vote regularly. When you vote for White issues, White issues will be taken care of. When you sit at home, you have given your country over to someone else who doesn’t care a bit about you! ALWAYS VOTE and ALWAYS PROD OTHER WHITES INTO VOTING!

Fifth tenet: Oppose social programs at all times. Never vote for a candidate who supports government social programs. Always vote for a candidate who will remove programs and who is in support only of charities and non-governmental sources of support for the poor and the other socially needy people -- even if you have to write in your own name! Teach your children to oppose social programs and to be aware of the dangers of socialism.

Sixth tenet: Actively oppose the Media Lords. Do not buy their newspapers. (If you must read a paper, go to the library and read it for free.) Do not support the sponsors who buy advertisement space in newspapers or advertisement time on television. Buy off brands if necessary. Do not watch television for entertainment at all. [Keep in mind that television is mental poison for your children!] Avoid movie theaters. The Media Lords are only going to promote what you hate in their movies anyway. Keep those hateful movies away from your children. Find other ways to entertain yourself. Read the classic White books which have been sitting on your shelf for too long. Read Aesop’s fables to your children. Cut the Media Lords off at the knees. Pull their fangs!                                                                                                       




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