Our Land

How do we know when we are done? It is this: When we, as a people, have been guided to a permanent societal arrangement that will establish first, unassailable viability for the White race, and second, a continuing opportunity for our people to flourish.

Notice our goal is not a balanced budget, a chicken in every pot, or free medical care for everyone. It is not any of the things that politicians in America are talking about today. All of their rhetoric is merely misdirection, and sleight of hand, to distract White Americans from the fact that their land is in the process of being stolen from right underneath their noses. Once White folks understand that the only real goal, that they should be focused on, is the restoration of their White land, the problem will be solved. They will do what it takes to grab on to their Manifest Destiny once more, and take back their nation from those who would destroy them.

The attainment of this all important goal may leave us temporarily in poverty, and even perhaps in a great depression. We may or may not be forced under a totalitarian government during the process. But we will have reached the point where we will know that survival as a people is assured, and that is what counts. We will have a White land, where White people can live together as a people, and then over time Whites can decide for themselves how they will govern themselves. The first and foremost goal is a solidly White land, not a particular form of government. Forms of government can change, but genes are permanent. The poorest, most oppressed, all-White land is richer, in the long term, than the richest diverse nation, because in the White nation's future will be greatness.

Once we have attained our permanently established White land, we can work towards creating an environment where our people can reach their maximum potential, unencumbered with the racial infighting created by diversity. We can focus on leaping to the stars, by colonizing the Moon, and Mars. We can pursue our music and art, our science and technology, and yes, our charity to other races. The possibilities are endless, once we have our White lands restored to the White people who created them.

Today, there is only one issue for the White people of America: creating a White land once more, by overturning the work of the Leftist enemies of the White race. All other issues are secondary to this issue. This final step, this taking back of our precious land, and establishing the future for our children, must burn within our hearts, ever driving us forward to reach it. Look at your life, and the lives of your kin. What other activity or goal can hold a candle to this one? Either we achieve this goal or we perish as a race. Then all the works and ideas of our people will evaporate into nothing, and it will be as if we had never existed. This must not happen! It is up to you to make sure that it does not.

STEP SEVEN: Guide our people to a permanent societal arrangement that will first establish unassailable viability for the White race, and then a continuing opportunity for our people to flourish.

Seven Steps List