Promote White Culture

Take a moment and think of what the following names mean to you:

  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

  • William Shakespeare

  • Sir Isaac Newton

  • Michelangelo Buonarroti

  • Plato

  • Thomas Alva Edison

These men are your kin. They were born to your race. They impacted our lives, and shaped Western civilization in their respective areas of excellence. We would have felt the loss of any of these men. Our music, literature, science, art, philosophy, and technology would not be the same today if these men had not lived.

What will become of the contributions that these men made to our culture if our people continue to belittle White Western Civilization, by promoting other cultures to our children as being equally valuable, not just to the other races of man, but to our own children? It is clear beyond the slightest doubt that our culture will cease to exist at the very same instant that the White race ceases to exist. That point in time is actually visible from where we stand, and that fact should awaken in all of us a great desire to salvage our people and our heritage from the funeral pyre the PC world has thrown them on.

In order to be motivated to save something, especially when it will require struggle and risk to do so, people have to appreciate the value of the endangered item. If a broken stick floats by on a river, no one takes notice. However if a yelling child floats by, all take note and run to try and save him from drowning, even at the risk of their own lives.

The same is true of the White race and its culture. In order for White folks to spend the effort required to save what is ours, they must appreciate the value of our people and our culture. So, Step Two is for us to encourage our racial brothers and sisters to visualize the importance of their White culture and of the White ideas that have shaped our lives.