The Chauvinist Corner
Marx and the Feminist
Do you remember when Americans said, Better dead than Red, and
meant it? It wasnt all that long ago. The Marxist/Socialist/Communist
way of life, and its associated tyranny, were considered anathema to American
life by the vast majority of our citizens. You cannot have a land of opportunity,
when all are rewarded equally. You cannot have freedom when the government
is telling you how to live. Your basic human right of raising your children
up to believe as you do is not compatible with the Marxist goal of brainwashing
the children into the party doctrine. So, what does this have to do with
Have you heard of Shulamith Firestone? Here is one of the founding
fathers of the modern feminist movement. Her book, The Dialectic of Sex contains many of the
concepts that are foundational to the feminist today. Her entire basis for
change in America was the Marxist model. If you look at every country where
Marxs philosophy has been taken seriously, you will see a country where
freedom, prosperity and the pursuit of happiness have been throttled down
to idle and ultimately the fire goes out. But feminists still burn with the
desire to make Shulamiths dream come true.
What are some of the improvements that this feminist wanted to implement?
(Since this was the goal beforehand, it is a good measuring device to see
how many of these things have actually come to pass.)
The destruction of the family and the institution of marriage. - Since
modern feminism has taken root, you will note that families are now temporary
experiments that fall apart at the first sign of trouble. The vast majority
of children are no longer raised by both of their own parents. This
improvement has made a great deal of progress to date, and as
the feminists continue to be listened to the trend will certainly worsen.
Total sexual liberation. - The burning of the bra was the most classic
symbolism used by the feminists kicking off their campaign in the sixties.
Most Americans had no idea what the symbol was supposed to represent, but
it was clearly to show the opening of the door of sexual unbridling for women.
At that time, living together, while unmarried, was considered wrong for
men and women by the majority of Americans. Today that attitude has pretty
much gone away and the virgin bride is more often found in jokes than in
a wedding ceremony.
The elimination of private property. - Have you noticed how much of
your right of ownership has slipped since the feminists have been at work?
Taxes are up to 50% of your income. Property taxes beat at your tenuous hold
on your house, threatening to dislodge your grip if you should be unemployed
for a short while. You no longer can defend your property in many states.
If you cannot defend it, you dont own it!
Easy divorce. - Have you heard of the no-fault divorce?
You do not need grounds for a divorce today. If one of the parties in a marriage
wants out, that is all it takes. This goals has been met already in its entirety.
Elimination of a bread winner by having the state provide. - The welfare
state has been strongly driven by the feminists. Who has received the vast
majority of welfare assistance? Why mothers with dependent children. Result,
men are no longer required as breadwinners. This is a very expensive proposition
and has been disastrous to our nation in very many ways, but the feminists
have gotten their wish.
Women in control of the reproduction process. - Does the slaughter
of over 30 million innocent children ring a bell with you? Abortion has insanely
become a womans right to choose and the execution of children,
because they are not wanted, is considered humane.
All women working outside the home. - The numbers are continually
growing, and the feminists are still ridiculing the women who do stay at
home. This goal is nearly met, and while the disastrous results of this goal
are ignored, feminists keep beating the drum for the working woman.
The state to provide 24 hour day care for the children. - This one
is in the works. We keep hearing day care brought up in congress and by
politicians in general. The feminists are pushing hard to get this in place.
The desire to eliminate the family as a training ground for children is strong
in the feminist and they are doing all they can to make it happen soon.
Elimination of religion. - Have you noticed how many feminists are
all fired up interested in being priests and pastors? Why do you suppose
that is? Since Marx was an atheist and the radical feminists are Marxist
in philosophy, doesnt there seem to be some problem with the idea of
being an atheistic priest? Not to the feminist! They do not care beans about
religion except to eliminate it as an opposing force. How better to eliminate
it than by infiltrating and destroying from the inside? If you have read
anything by the feminist theologians you will quickly realize
that they are not just putting a new perspective on older ideas. Not at all!
They are completely trashing the old ideas and replacing them with wonderful
sounding atheistic concepts. When they speak of God, it is tongue in cheek,
calling up the pagan worship of goddesses and the priestesses. This is why
that feminists do not only start up their own competing religions, to have
their own freedom of religion. That would be counter productive to their
cause. Instead they are attempting, with great success, to destroy the
family-supporting religions which oppose them.
Marxism has been given its day on planet earth. It is a failure and always
will be. Modern feminism is tied closely with Marx and as listed above, their
goals are not compatible with American culture or society. They do not want
equal pay for equal work. They want to reinvent the American way of life
and shape it into a Marxist totalitarian state.
There are three possible outcomes from the position we are in. 1) We wake
up and throw the Marxists out on their ear and rebuild the America we had
before; 2) Continue to placate the feminists and dismantle America into a
iron fisted dictatorship; 3) Do nothing until it becomes unbearable and have
a civil war/revolution to try and reestablish the original constitution.
The first option would be extremely difficult at the moment, with the feminists
controlling the schools, government and media. Where do you hear a voice
against feminism today? You dont! Even though the changes that they
are proposing and have already implemented into our lives are completely
un-American, people are not even concerned by and large.
The second and third options are the easy ones for today but the extremely
difficult ones for the future. In either of these cases, lives will be lost
in the millions, and America will not be rebuilt in our lifetimes. We are
facing a grave crisis and people do not see a problem of any serious nature.
Americanism and Marx are old enemies. Liberalism and Marx are old friends.
Feminism and Marx are married.
An interesting and related
Dale O'Leary