Guest Book
Hillari Annex

12/01/99 07:26:28 AM
Name: Hillari Hunter
Do you consider yourself a feminist? Yes.
How did you find out about my site? Surfing the 'Net.
Where are you from? Chicago
Comments: Al, when my mother was being beat by my father, that was back in the 1960's when feminism had yet to emerge. There were no battered women shelters for her to run to. He turned around and left her for a woman who had a PhD and a career, which was odd, considering that while he was with my mother, he forbade her to work for a time, and gave her very little money to run the house with (he was gambling it away and spending the rest on girlfriends). He was and still is, a chauvinist, and very few family members can stand to be around him now due to his many personality flaws. My mother is not a feminist; she believes in traditional family roles. She wanted to be a stay-at-home mom, but when my father proved he wasn't trustworthy, loving or dependable, she had to take a job to make sure the kids would be provided for, regardless of what nonsense he put out. This eased the transition when he finally walked out on us. Mom did not believe in welfare or handouts, and passed along a strong work ethic to her children. Where some other single moms failed, I believe she did a damn good job with us, considering my father ignored the fact that he had children once he left. I've become very independent because of what I observed and learned of my parents' ill-fated marriage. I'm not a raving man-hater, but I cannot see leaning on one of you all totally for financial support. If that makes me wrong, well. . .so be it.

The fact is that feminism has not fixed this problem. So, yes you are wrong, sadly wrong if you think that feminism is the answer to men beating women. Women are being beat in record numbers, after 30 years of the feminist "solution" to this problem. Your father was a slug, not a chauvinist. If he were a chauvinist he would never have married a working woman for starters, and if he were chivalrous chauvinist like myself, he would never have hit a woman! (See the Chauvinist Axiom #1.)

While it is true that some women and children have suffered throughout time due to men who are jerks, feminism has not slowed that problem down, but rather speeded it up. More women and children are abused today than before. That should tell you something.

Exceptions to a rule do not necessarily invalidate the rule. There are children who have had abusive fathers who think fathers in general are a bad idea. They are wrong, completely wrong but that is what happens when you use a single example to set your world view by. You cannot intelligently get around the facts of life. Children need fathers and mothers, their real fathers and mothers. They need a mother at home raising them. Just because some fathers or some mothers are terrible parents, does not take away the basic needs of the children. It only warps them into folks who can no longer understand what is normal and good for a family. My condolences to you.



12/01/99 07:26:28 AM
Name: Hillari Hunter
(From: [en] (Win95; U))
Do you consider yourself a feminist? Yes.
How did you find out about my site? Surfing the 'Net.
Where are you from? Chicago
Comments: Mighty funny how you chauvinist spout off about the proper place of married women, yet you don't take into account single women (includes never married, widows, divorcees, single moms by choice) such as myself, who must work . . .I'm a little too old to expect Mama and Daddy to take care of a grown woman until a husband comes along, and I shouldn't have to be limited to "woman's work". I suppose while you object to women in business, you might not have a fit about us being secretaries, beauticians, child care workers, nurses, cooks, etc. By the way, when Jesus rose from the grave, He didn't appear to the male disciples first, he went to the women. Obviously, the Lord thinks my half of the human race is important, and has much to offer other than what mortal men would try to box us up as. I'm a deaconess in my church, and I have a problem with people using the Bible to promote oppression. After all, that's what the slave masters did to my ancestors. There was a reason they didn't teach the book of Exodus to slaves. They would learn the word freedom.

Don't you feminists ever get tired of whining? The primary reason that there are so many single women today is the feminist movement. Because of your destructive movement young girls are no longer chaperoned. Many of them end up pregnant, which leads them into a single life of bondage trying to raise the child, or even worse, into the murder of that child in an abortion clinic. The feminists are outraged by the very concept of the chaperoning of the "equal" females in our society and so the problem grows.

Of the girls who make it past that feminist created trap in their teens, many are directed by the feminist propaganda to run out and get a career. That postpones marriage into later life, and creates even more opportunities to fall into the pregnancy trap, enhanced many times over beyond the natural hormone driven tendencies to reproduce, by the feminist dogma that women must be free to engage in sex as often as they like, with whomever they like. More women are thereby driven into bondage. Many women are forced out of the college the feminists enticed them to by this occurrence. Much to the dismay of the feminist leaders, many women wise up in time, get married and drop out of school to raise their children. Unfortunately the number of such unheralded women is far too small.

Perhaps the stupidest thing about your comments is the fact that I never said that you should be prohibited from obtaining any job your little selfish feminist heart desires. Let me repeat that so maybe it will get through to you. I never said that you should be prohibited from obtaining any job your little selfish feminist heart desires. If feminists merely were trying to convince women to go out and do their thing there never would have been a problem. The only place women were ever legally restricted from were jobs where they could not do the job, such as most jobs in the military. I know that is hard for you to swallow being the truth and all but there it is.

Where feminism ran amok, and why it is today destroying our society, is that it managed to coerce the government into forcing its ideas upon society. That abuse of government power and the harm that it has caused to our society is what I am fighting against.

You are pitiful. Completely pitiful. Jesus hand picked His disciples, and he picked 100% males. Paul the greatest of the Apostles said that women should be silent in church, and should never teach a man. (That was after Christ was said to have spoken with those women you mentioned.) From cover to cover the Bible is a Chauvinist document and any objective reader could not deny it. I have to laugh at people like you who go against the Bible and then call yourself Christian. Your feminism is 1000 times more important to you than your religion is and you know it. If you were forced to follow what the Bible says you would leave the church instantly. Get real.

Traditional marriage is not oppression. It is disgusting that feminist speak that way about an institution that provided the foundation of our civilization. When a man works himself to death for his family, it is not oppression. It is duty. There are many such examples in all of our family trees. A man has the obligation to support his family and that is life, in the Western world. There is a world of difference between oppression and obligation. Many men and women today still understand that difference. The feminists never will.

The feminist thinks that a family has the obligation to send their daughters through school, but that those daughters have no obligation to the next generation. That sort of insane, short-sighted and self-centered view of society can never lead to any good. Most feminists know this at some level but they don't care. Just like they don't care that women are being put into military positions that they know women have been proven to be unable to perform. No matter, the feminist has gotten her way. Who cares if society is undefended, the children are unsupervised and society is going to collapse? Certainly not the feminists.



1999-12-10 10:42:00
Name: Hillari Hunter
(From: [en] (Win95; U))
Do you consider yourself a feminist? Yes.
How did you find out about my site? Surfing the 'Net.
Where are you from? Chicago
Comments: Yawn. . . whatever, Al. I and other women are going to keep living our lives anyway. One can't close the gates of freedom once they have been open. That's fine if you situation works for you, but everything doesn't please everybody. I'm sorry that you chauvinists feel so threatened, but being a so-called double minority, I understand the real problem is the perception of having to give up power, especially where economics and politics are concerned. It is one of the main reason why militias, hate groups, and neo-chauvinists exist in America. I don't want to take over, I just want a fair share and not be hindered from getting it.

You might as well be yawning because you are obviously mentally asleep. You feminists are a joke. You think because the government is taking the power away from the average man on the street, that women are getting power. Nothing could be farther from the truth. All of the power is being hoarded at the top of our government and women are even less "empowered" today than ever before. They have no real say in what happens in their lives. They have the feminist dogma promoted like a catechism to them all through school, so that they believe it and even get angry if it is challenged. Just like the flat-earthers believe completely what their parents have taught them. Instead of the traditional family based upon thousands of years of human experience they strive for the absurd feminist "family" which holds together no better than two North magnetic poles will. As family relationships are destroyed, which just happens to be the single most important thing in most women's lives, the feminists applaud the new found "freedom" that women have. All the while, most women would love to get off this crazy merry-go-round that feminism has forced them onto.

So, you yawn your heartless yawn, and maintain your misguided pompous conceit. Women are the ones suffering from people like you, not me. I have a wonderful wife and a great life. Your movement is making it so fewer men and women of each generation will enjoy the happiness that my wife and I have. Fewer and fewer children are growing up free from abuse because of people like you. Far from only wanting a fair share, which women have always had, you want it all. But you can't have it. There are still men and women out there who are not going to buy your snake oil.

It is funny that you should mention hate groups, being a member of one of the biggest of them yourself. Feminism has, through abortion, slaughtered more babies around the world than all of the people killed in all ways in the Second World War. That is about as hateful as you can get. Many of those babies were cut into pieces, burned or drowned after being born alive. Your movement has killed more innocent civilians than anyone but the communists, and you are catching up to them fast. Your hatred of the next generation is inexcusable and disgusting, and it is all in the name of power, as you have said. When your group gets its "fair share" for what it has done, it will not be pleasant for you.

You can go back to sleep now.

