10 Things Positive
RECENTLY, A READER OF MY PAGE ASKED me to list 10 things about the 1950s that I liked.
It gave me a chance to put a few thoughts down that I would like to share with you. It is not an exhaustive or definitive list but I think the things listed are some of the important things that we have lost along the way since 1960 came along.
To start with I need to make it clear that I am not speaking of technology here. I think the technological advances we have made in the 40 years since 1959 have been wonderful. The contribution to those advances made by the White race has been tremendous, and it is clear that all of those advances would have occurred without the "help" of the leftist changes in our society. In fact they almost certainly would have occurred faster, if those changes had never occurred, because we would never have wasted all of those trillions of dollars on useless social programs and instead, we could have used that money for more constructive things, like space stations, lunar colonies and trips to Mars. When I say that I wish to direct things back to the 1950s I am speaking of the cultural, demographic, and ethical world of the 1950s.
Things I liked about the 1950s:
1. Morals. Character traits like honesty, and fair play, personal honor and respect in the areas of their elders, personal property and society were all taught to the children in home and school. Even neighbors took a hand in training children on what was right and wrong. Kids watched their parents and, for the most part saw these principles in action, because the parents had learned it from the previous generation. The decade of the 1950s was the last one where our culture was handed down to the next generation effectively. Beginning in the 1960s parents suddenly decided that their kids should be teaching them, rather than the other way around, and that process continues today.
2. School. In the 1950s school was a place of learning. School shootings just didn't happen. It was not a place where drugs were to be found. Even cigarettes were not allowed on campus, and if you were caught smoking them there, you were disciplined for it. Things like marijuana weren't even thought of being used by 99.9% of the students. In class, the students were respectful to the teachers or they were disciplined or expelled, if their problem was chronic. Knowing that was the case, the vast majority of students were not a problem in the classroom. Classrooms were good learning environments, and so, the students learned a great deal, as demonstrated by their college entrance test scores. Any honest observer will admit that the students of the 1950s got a superb education compared with what the kids are getting today. I wish to throw out all of the leftist dead weight and get back to teaching our kids in a safe, effective environment, with a curriculum that is directed towards basics, and with a pro-American, perspective.
3. White pride. Being White was something to be proud of, and not in some dirty hateful way. Students learned in school that the White man won the West. They learned that the White man came from Europe and created this country. They were not taught to be cocky, but rather to be proud of being White in a thousand ways. They learned the kind of pride that makes a man go out and do the right thing because he knows that is what his people do. In the vast majority of schools, students were not taught any form of hatred of other races, because the school had either zero, or at most, a very small percentage of minorities present. As a result, most kids grew up with no real strong feelings about other races, one way or the other. (I am not speaking of the South, where the black presence has been large for a very long time.) It seemed nice being able to take such a passive attitude about race. Unfortunately it backfired in the sixties when the students, who were raised with these passive attitudes in the 1950s, grew to adulthood and had the civil rights movement forced on them. If they had possessed strong racial feelings before it struck, the civil rights movement would have received the proper attention right at the beginning, and would have been stopped before it actually was able to threaten the very existence of our society and of our race. (Only the South actually saw the trouble for what it really was, and ever since, -- unless they have bent over backwards letting everybody know how antiracist they are -- they have been, as a people, looked down on by our leftist controlled society. Thanks to the leftist propaganda, all over the country, if a southerner mentions the subject of race they are ridiculed, and ignored as being stupid, unthinking racists. Yet who has spent the most time living with Blacks in this country? Who has the most experience with them? The name-calling Yankees, or the Westerners? Hardly!) Now, we will have to make some painful and harsh decisions in order to restore our land to the 1950s situation, of a proud White race, in their own nation. The passive attitude towards other races must go. That is a loss that many of us will miss, because we are a people who are compassionate.
4. Safe streets. In the 1950s there were large areas of the country where people did not lock the doors on their houses. They would just leave the keys in the ignition of their cars, when they weren't driving the cars, because no one would steal them. Women could walk down their streets at night without mace or fear. Crime was much lower, including all forms of violent crime. Even today, the crime numbers tell you why. We have twice the number of murders per capita in the USA as do the countries of Europe. Yet the number of murders by US Whites is as low as any of those countries (if you exclude the Hispanics from the White numbers). The civil rights movement has not only loosed the Nonwhites on the Whites but upon each other! The Black murder rate was higher than the White murder rate in the 1950s but it was much lower than today. Even their illegitimacy rate was only slightly higher than the Whites in the 1950s. It was the restrictive laws of that restrictive era that helped Blacks to contain their natural tendencies, and to live as civilized people. Both Whites and Blacks were more civilized in the 1950s and I think that was a good thing. And while the 1950s people were living in a society with high standards and strict rules, they were mostly self-disciplined! They were not looking over their shoulders worrying about who was going to sue them, or what government agency was going to take them away. The PC Secret Police had not yet been created and freedom from government oppression was far greater in the 1950s for the average White.
5. Limited drug problems. The only real drug problems we had in the 1950s were from alcohol and prescription drugs handed out by the doctors who were not as informed as they would have been today. Of course the USA tried to deal with alcohol in the prohibition days and found that it was a tough nut to crack. While the 1950s were not perfect in the area of drugs, they were a close approximation when compared with today. There were almost no parents who had to greatly concern themselves in the 1950s with whether or not their kids were going to get involved with anything illegal, especially illegal drugs. Heroin and marijuana, while they existed, were for most Americans some long distance problem which only the outcasts of society would be involved with. Cocaine was a name the average citizen had never even heard of. The worst that would happen to kids would be death in a car crash from driving while drinking, but even that was far less likely in the 1950s than it is today. Most kids didn't do it. So, while we handle even alcohol in a far less responsible way today for our kids, on top of that, we have a ton of drug problems which were not even a blip on the radar scope in the 1950s. That needs to change.
6. Honest appearing politicians. In the 1950s politicians had to at least look honest. As I was going through school in the 1950s, I remember President Eisenhower as a respected man. When my teachers mentioned the president, my feelings were immediate respect, and awe for the man in that great office. The politicians of that era had to protect their reputations, for if they were ever tarnished their careers were through. If they were caught in an adulterous affair they were done. People believed, correctly in my opinion, that a man who will cheat on his wife will certainly not hesitate to cheat on his constituents if it seems convenient to him. People tended to believe what a politician told them because, whether or not a politician was a moral man, he knew that he would be in political hot water if he was caught in a blatant lie. At all times there was an image of honor, which children could look up to and learn from.
7. Positive role models for kids. All the men whom kids would see as heroes were held to a higher standard than the society as a whole. Sports figures would be thrown out of their sports for life if they did something dishonorable or illegal and it made it to the papers. The society protected the kids and only allowed people who at least appeared honorable to remain in a position where kids looked up to them. I don't think that the value of doing that can be overestimated. What kids see as examples, is what they will emulate, far more than what they are told. (Using the same principle, it becomes clear that the parent who brags to his children about all the bad things he did as an adolescent, is programming his kids to do the very same things and more.) There are many areas that this 1950s attitude effected. As an example, television shows had a code where crime always was punished by the end of the show. Crime was never allowed to pay. (Entertainment is never real life anyway, no matter what the movie jerks claim. Today, in the name of "reality", they merely choose to focus on the lowest part of life. As their minds and characters are being formed, I think our kids should only focus on the higher parts of life. The effects from what the entertainment focuses on has been clearly demonstrated. The generations who have been raised watching the lower side of life, are leading lives that match more closely the entertainment which they grew up on.) Our sports "heroes" today are spending all of their time, which is not dedicated directly to actually doing drugs and committing felonies, to categorically denying that they are, or should be, role models for the kids. The saddest part of this is that those who run the sports themselves don't care. They allow the felon to continue to play and maintain the role of "hero" for the kids. That is something I want very much to change.
8. Marriages. In the 1950s they built marriages to last. Men and women had been raised to believe that their primary goal in life was to be married, and to raise good children. For most married couples, they felt that divorce was something that only happened to others, and at least partly because of that attitude, they made their marriages work. We had a White baby boom in the 1950s as White couples reproduced. The high IQ women had babies right along side of the average and low IQ ladies. The people were reproducing and filling the land, with White children that were well disciplined and honest. Things couldn't have looked brighter. If only they had known what the next decade would bring, so they could prepare for it.
9. Parenthood. Along with the marriages that lasted a lifetime, and the children that came with them, came the responsibility of parenthood. Once married, when the children arrived, a 1950s man had the responsibility of providing for his wife and his kids. He, sometimes had to take more than one job, but he found a way to put a roof over his family's head and food into their bellies. He was driven by the mores of the 1950s to not leave his family stranded. If he were to be a man, he must persevere no matter what. His upbringing would not let him drop and run after some skirt that seemed appealing. (This is of course, a generality and some did, but most didn't.) A man who did not provide for his family was looked down upon as badly as a girl who was an unwed mother. A woman of the 1950s was a wife and mother. There were many different types of women who approached the job in their own ways. Some were happy to do nothing but dote over the family and the children. They had no other real drives or ambitions. They were wonderful mothers, that were dearly loved by their children. Others joined women's clubs, and joined in discussions with like minded women of the neighborhood or church. They searched out creative things for the children to do to heighten their intellect. They set up educative family outings. Above all else, and I think this is critical, both men and women laid aside their own wants to a certain degree, often to a great degree, in order for the family to be a success. Many 1950s men worked their entire lives in jobs that were not satisfying, in order for their families to be provided for. Nobody of that era would have smiled upon a man who quit his job because he was not being fulfilled or happy in it. Family first and then yourself. That was the rule of the 1950s and it was good rule. It is a rule that was at the root of the great kids of that era, who were a comparative joy for their teachers, their employers and their mates as they entered adulthood.
10. Reproductive Responsibility. Actually, the responsibility of parenthood, includes the responsibility of when to start it, and that extends from the point of puberty all the way until age shuts down the reproductive machine. In the 1950s they understood that far better than we do today. It is up to the parents to train their children about not having children, by not having sex, until they are married. It is also up to the parents to chaperone and take steps to make it easy for their children to avoid having sex and the associated complications of life for themselves and any unexpected offspring. The taboo against unwed motherhood was a good thing which kept a large number of teenage girls from having to deal with the problems that so many of our girls have today. Being put into the position of having to raise a child (or even worse taking his life) is something that no young, unmarried girl should have to deal with. It is up to the parents and the society, to help her avoid the bad choices which will put her into that situation, and to help the boys to respect that choice that the girls should make. (There are two reasons that I say, "that the girls should make." As any married woman knows empirically, if not the theory behind it, men have 20 to 40 times as much testosterone in their system, and that is the hormone that drives either sex towards being "in the mood." Men are nearly always in the mood to one degree or another, while women are more prone to finding creative ways to say, "no." In the teenage years males hit their peak at about 18 and are driven as single mindedly to have sex as in any other time in their lives. It is all well and good to try and talk to a mind in such a state, but some sort of system has to be in place to help out. Instruction in morals helps some. A girl who says, "No," helps some. And controlling when he is alone with girls, through chaperoning, helps some. All of these together can do the trick as it often did in the 1950s.)
Of course limiting the list to 10 keeps things off the list like the smaller 1950s government that didn't stick its nose into whom a company hires or promotes, that didn't take over half of a worker's income in taxes, and that did not promote leftist causes. Also, having schools and neighborhoods that were not forcibly integrated was a big plus. It is a nice target to aim for, the 1950s: a general direction that would be great to move towards. It is not a final destination, because I think we can even improve on the 1950s. However, if we manage to recreate a society like they had in the 1950s, the vast majority of White folks will not be looking back to 1999 with any regret whatsoever!