The 2020 Revolution
December 14, 2020
Nothing in this country can stand without justice. All businesses rely on the just implementation of contracts. If a contract is not followed, and the court doesn't care, at least one party of the contract has been wronged, and ultimately, businesses will drop like flies as a result. (Yes, I know they have been dropping like flies because of the government's actions this year anyway—we haven't lost a single business to Covid-19, but we have lost well over 100,000 businesses thanks to the government shutting them down.)
You can't be safe in your home without justice. Thugs, protestors, or rioters can freely burn down your home and rape your wife and string you up by your neck at any time without penalty, if law enforcement, and the courts do not provide justice. And anyone who has seen Black and Marxist agitators at work, know that they will do just that.
Remember, in South Africa, as happened in Rhodesia when it became Zimbabwe, when the Blacks took over law enforcement, Johannesburg became the rape and murder capital of the world. Also, the Black gangs started targeting residential blocks. A block would be surrounded, and the perpetrators had "a block party," which consisted of invading the homes, and raping every woman on that block. Indeed, justice left South Africa at the same time Apartheid did.
And if you were paying attention, you also noticed that the mass media suddenly lost all interest in reporting news from South Africa once their political pressure had destroyed it. And in case you have forgotten the non-stop hate propaganda directed at South Africa by the media, every Christmas you can be reminded when the movie Scrooged comes back around, and you can see "Free South Africa" posters posted everywhere in the movie. However, since South Africa fell into that pit, there isn't a whisper about all the horrors that campaign created. The Left won, the White people were crushed, so all is well, no matter how many people continue to suffer horribly as a result.
Justice is not always pleasant for everyone. Bad guys hate it. Even good guys sometimes make a mistake and get burned by justice. But without it, the entire civilization will collapse into chaos, spawning warlords, and ultimately it will be taken over by a strong man or group, claiming and using total power. America hangs in the balance this year, because justice has been evaporating over the past 60 years. Unjust laws and rulings abound. Roe vs Wade, Affirmative Action, Forced integration, anti-Discrimination suits and laws, laws supporting feminism, and so on.
But in this year of 2020AD, the level of justice has sunk lower than at any time since the foundation of America. And it was done in a way that highlighted how weak the forces of good are in the United States. We started off with a blatant violation of our constitutional rights that are clearly stated in the First Amendment.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
- We were put under house arrest. Suddenly we couldn't go to work, because work had unilaterally been closed. People could not go to church, which is a double violation of the US Constitution, because the government was disallowing the right to freely assemble, and also denying the right to freely practice your religion.
We were lied to of course. They made the claim, which sounded perfectly reasonable at the time, that they were only going to slow the spread of the virus down, so the hospitals could keep up with the new cases. They backed this lie with scary images of what was going on in New York City. What they did not tell us was that the reason those hospitals were getting buried with new cases was because the governor of that state forced nursing homes to accept Covid-19 patients in with the healthy elderly residents and thousands of them quickly were infected and became sick. They were in turn rushed to the hospital only to die, because they were already on death's door before the virus found them.
Later we found that the average age of death for Covid-19 is the same as the average life expectancy, and that nearly everyone who died from Covid-19 in 2020 would have died anyway in either 2020 or 2021, due to an average of having 2.6 comorbidities. Also, it appears that the total number of people who will die in the USA in 2020 will be fewer than the total number of people who died in the USA in 2018. This virus is deadly, but not that deadly. Most people are already completely immune to it, due to past coronaviruses that have come through since the 1970s, or they only get very mild symptoms from it. Only people who are very feeble or who have a weak immune system are at risk. If you are under age 60 the flu is more deadly to you than Covid-19.
In other words there was little reason to "flatten the curve" and there was zero reason to lock the entire country down for months. It was the tyrannical government flexing its muscles and showing you that your constitutional rights can be trod upon freely by this government.
- We have been forced to wear masks. There is no point to wearing a mask, unless you have the hospital grade N-95 or N-99 type of mask. The only reason that even the N-95 mask works, is because the 100nm virus doesn't travel in a straight line in the turbulence of your breathing air flow. The virus dances around in the turbulence and usually strikes the fibers surrounding the 300nm pores of the mask. All the air you breathe passes through those pores, or else you would suffocate. And of course even with N-95, some of the viruses will still get through. (The 95 in N-95 means it blocks 95% of what is out there.)
However any cloth mask or over the ear dust mask has a much larger pore size, and often lets air in around the sides as well, since there is no seal. These masks have the relative openings of a chain link fence compared with the mosquito-sized virus. They do no good at all.
They do have one function, and that one is easy to see: they demonstrate the government's tyrannical power over the people. Every time someone puts on a mask he shows that he has abdicated his right to be free, in favor of bending the knee to tyranny.
Not only that, but it also brings forward the government's useful idiots, who will attack you if you refuse to wear a mask. They are verbally abusive and will even turn physically violent, in their demonstration of total obedience to those who wish to dominate the masses.
There is ample evidence that shows countries that had no lock-downs and who never mandated masks, have exactly the same infection and death rates, or better, than those countries with the most draconian lock down and mask laws. There is clearly no point to either of these measures, other than to show how much power the government has.
- Forcing businesses to close, drastically increases people's dependence upon the government. People have been cast out of work. Hundreds of thousands of business owners have gone bankrupt. More and more people are destitute with no source of income. All these things force people to take handouts from the government in order to survive. A dependent class of people are in no position to cause trouble, because they can be cutoff from the handouts, and be left to starve.
A self-sufficient people will be far more likely to embrace freedom, and they will desire a far lower level of government control. A dependent people will be more likely to bend the knee, and do what they are told.
- The government has embraced chaos and anarchy, openly. The death of a drugged up, overdosed counterfeiter was used to "justify" the outbreak of a wave of violence across the country. Suddenly, media backed affected outrage over something that shouldn't have been national news, spawned floods of hate-filled mobs walking through the streets and then turning to open violence, leading to arson, looting, burning, assault and murder, and the government looked on in relative silence. The same ones who would happily arrest you for not wearing a mask, or for opening your business against their edicts, did nothing to crush the open violence. People locked in their homes watched aghast as Black thugs and Marxist pigs ran wild in the streets of our major cities. District Attorneys released the violent criminals back on the streets without bail as soon as they were arrested.
- The Media launched a steady stream of Hate propaganda. Talking heads, from all the major news outlets—barely able to keep the drool from running down their chins—repeated over and over again the lie that the First Amendment guaranteed the rights of the animals rioting in the streets, even while simultaneously asserting the lack of the rights of normal citizens to open their businesses, enjoy their parks, or other recreational activities, or to go to church.
Americans were falsely told that unarmed Blacks were being shot by policemen, routinely, and without official repercussions. Beyond being a lie, as the numbers clearly showed, it instigated a movement in the country for cities to cutoff funding to the police force, right at a time when the police force was most needed to deal with the massive increase in street violence. Just like in the 1960s, when things start to turn chaotic, the police are vilified as if it were their fault. Who would do such a thing? Those who are instigating the violence and pushing to topple the country, for a takeover, just like what happened to Russia in 1917.
This year the Leftists pulled out all the stops. They pushed the citizens into house arrest, crushed the economy, and then applauded the criminals running through the streets, rioting, looting and burning.
- They rigged the national election. Using the false cover of Covid-19, the Democrats forced mass mail-in voting upon states that had never used it before, opening the door to fraud. When the election took place, they stuffed the ballot box, duplicated fraudulent ballots, ran ballots through numerous times, and covered their tracks by forcing the poll watchers out of the counting rooms. There is massive evidence of fraud, but the official story is that there was no fraud. They effectively told the American public, "You are going to trust us, and you are going to disregard your own lying eyes." There is every indication that the election was stolen but the system is so corrupt there is no way to prove it.
In order to prove anything legally, getting an air tight set of evidence together is only the first step. And that step means nothing at all and has no effect, unless you can get a fair and objective hearing for the evidence. You need a fair judge, and a fair court that is impartial, and that can be swayed by your evidence. The year 2020 has shown that no such court exists any longer in America. The evidence is there but it will be ignored.
- The entire election was a sham. The Democrats did all they could to shut down the process. They were happy to let rioters run free and wild, but anything to do with an election campaign was condemned, just like going to church was condemned. They demanded that we hold the election, but at the same time, they demanded that we don't hold the election in the normal way.
Meanwhile, the Democrats ran a candidate who is currently unqualified to run a lemonade stand, let alone a country the size of the United States, and who is as corrupt as any banana republic "president for life." There was a massive amount of evidence that showed Joe Biden is an ethically challenged degenerate, and that was when his brain was still working. But for anyone who has had to face the horror of watching a loved one die with Alzheimer's, as I have, the symptoms of dementia are painted all over Joe Biden today. His memory is going fast, and his physical body is also suffering under the onslaught. He walks with an aged gait, and even with a teleprompter to read he loses his train of thought. If he goes off the teleprompter he is completely lost. Even with brain enhancing drugs he starts to fade after an hour or two. No one thinks for a moment that Joe Biden could run the Oval Office for 4 years. He will probably be dead before his term runs out, because he is a very sick man today. But long before his body gives out, his mind will be utterly gone.
Joe Biden does not solely suffer from an old stuttering problem. All anyone has to do is look at a video of him talking 5 or 10 years ago to see a drastic change in him. He is on the way out, and everyone at the top levels knows it. And yet they ran this man for president, rigged the election to get him into office. There has to be a reason for this apparently insane action. From top to bottom this entire election process has been a joke, and the joke is on America. The election of this man into office is the last action of a dying country.
- The Republican candidate has no love for White America either. Although the Leftist media make a big deal about repeatedly asking Donald Trump if he disavows White Supremacists, he has never once claimed to have done one single thing that was aimed at helping White people specifically in any way. He has done nothing to further the cause, or improve the lot of White people specifically. He has spent loads of time talking about how much he has done for Blacks and Brown Hispanics. He is very proud of all that he has done for non-Whites, but Whites are on their own with Trump. The only crumb he tosses to Whites is that he does not go around bashing them all the time, the way the media and the Democrats do. White America, the only America there was before 1960, is dying rapidly and will soon be gone.
- Free speech was squashed by all forms of mass media. The mainstream media moved even farther to the Left in 2020. They stopped relying only on the tactic of selective reporting, picking only stories that fit their narrative to report, while ignoring the vastly greater number of stories that show how wrongheaded they are. Now, outlets like CNN are making things up with no connection to reality. They simply tell the people what the Marxists want the people to believe, and respond with outrage if they are called on their lies. They just don't care.
And social media has gone completely off the rails in 2020. They freely censor anyone who isn't putting out the party line, including the President of the United States. FaceBook, Twitter, and YouTube know they are beyond reach by any politician and that they are above the law. They feel they can't be touched by anyone, and they do what they please.
This is a recurring theme, where someone invents a new way to reach large numbers of people, and very soon thereafter, the Leftists swarm in and buy it up, and shut it down. It started with newspapers and books. They did it with magazines, and then movies, and television. They know that information is the lifeblood of freedom, and they are dead set against any of that stuff running around.
If 2020 finishes up the way it has gone so far, Biden will have stolen the election, and we will never even get back to the messed up society we had in 2019. The Democrats will attempt to pack the Supreme Court to override the brief temporary conservative majority. They will try to bring in the city of Washington DC as a full state. And do the same thing with Puerto Rico. If they are successful, they will have packed the Senate as well as the Supreme Court, with Marxists. They will give citizenship to the Mexican invaders who are here illegally, adding millions of additional Democrat voters instantly. Once these things have been done, there will be no coming back from that. We will be looking at a 100% (utterly undemocratic) Democrat future, a one-party system, a communist oriented and dominated system.
Yes, I know. We have been on that road for a very long time. Franklin Roosevelt's "New Deal," was socialist. His Social Security program is socialist. With each passing year the level of socialism has been growing. There have been quantum leaps as well, as when Lyndon B. Johnson undermined our country with his welfare program. We have been moving towards communism steadily for a century. Remember that the Bolsheviks were financed in part by New York bankers. They have never stopped pushing us in that same direction.
As a serious look at the 1960s will show, American justice took a huge hit in that era, a fatal hit. We have been utterly doomed from that time, the way a man is doomed when he finds out he has terminal, untreatable cancer. He is not dead yet, but he will surely be dead when the cancer runs its course. When we let that charlatan Martin Luther King, Jr. overturn our cities and schools, and let Teddy Kennedy open the Mexican floodgates allowing a brown invasion to start we created a terminal demographic change. When we listened to Gloria Steinem, and her comrades, it destroyed our traditional sex roles, and therefore, American families, while at the same time legalizing the mass murder of millions of babies. Once we put our feet upon that path, there was no turning back from disaster. The 1960s' Anti-American Revolution was the iceberg that rammed a lethal hole into the hull of the good ship America, and sadly, we have been on the way down ever since.
But this year the entire country shuddered, and new and major bulkheads broke down, letting the water run freely into formerly dry spaces. The "loss of buoyancy" for this country was vastly increased in 2020. The stealing of the election will open the door to the end. We are at that point. From here on in, if that fraud stands, life in this country will be utterly different from what came before.
There are two likely paths in our future:
- People will reach the point of having had enough, and a civil War will break out, causing frightening amounts of death and misery. It may end up splitting up the country into racially or politically homogenous pieces. Or...
- The lazy good for nothing masses in America today will just bend the knee to tyranny, and continue to go down without a fight, as they have been doing since Brown vs Board of Education.
Neither option is desirable but it will come down to one or the other. There is no path out of this mess that doesn't include a lot of suffering for the general population.
Only you can prevent extinction!