BASIC #5:We must help the other Whites around us to understand the importance of THE BASICS. |
TO SURVIVE, WE MUST GROW. We have two means of growth: we can have children and train them up to embrace our survival; or we can convince other Whites that it is in their own best interest, and the interest of their children, to join our cause. We need both of these.
It is possible that a handful of Whites, committed to the idea of having a lot of children and training those children to do the same, could rejuvenate our race in time. But it would take a long time, many generations, and would allow our race to slip into grave peril before it would be able to pull us out. (Also, what would happen if a law were passed, and rigidly enforced, that said no one can have more than one or two children?)
While we need all of the White families we can, to have large numbers of White children right now, we also need a larger pool of Whites to draw from. We need to increase the size of our starting stock, because it will make our job easier, and it will allow us to complete the job sooner. It will also very much increase the odds that we will ultimately succeed. There is safety in numbers, and as long as our numbers are small, the possibly is great that a disaster of some sort, intentionally or unintentionally caused, will stop us before we can succeed.
It is up to us to spread the facts around to others. They need to know that the White race is in trouble, and that our media is doing all that it can to make our trouble become terminal. They need to be convinced that it is not hatred to love the White race, and that promotion of White culture and genes is a good thing, not an evil plot. We have right on our side, and it is critical that for our people, right is given a chance to prevail over lies.
Don’t minimize what you can do. Your efforts, either small or great, will still add to the whole, and you just never know when you might produce a child, or help convince another man of the truth, who will become a great leader of our cause in the future. Whatever your results will be, the fact that you tried will make things better for our people than they would have been otherwise, and they just might make them a lot better!