BASIC #4:We must teach our children daily about the importance of their cultural heritage, and the accomplishments of their race. |
WHAT BETTER WAY TO THWART THE EFFORTS OF THOSE WHO WOULD STEAL your children’s heritage from them, and replace it with a multicultural soup, than to provide exposure to White culture regularly. When your children learn to appreciate Bach and Mozart, they will not be fooled by attempts made to convince them that non-White music is superior. When your children are exposed to the great masters of painting and sculpture, they will not be easily confused into believing that the totem poles and witch doctor’s masks represent art that is superior to their own. A child who is immersed in his own culture, and is taught how great that culture is, will not be an easy dupe for the school system that is eager to destroy his cultural, and racial pride.
It is amazing that White parents sit still while their school system, instead of teaching reading, writing, and arithmetic, and legitimate facts of history, tell White kids that Blacks invented things that they never did, and often things that Whites actually invented. If you compared the accomplishments of the White race with any other race on earth, it would be able to match or exceed nearly all of them. As a single example, of which there is a nearly endless supply, what other race can claim to have produced the technology to put a man on the moon? In my opinion, this is not a statement of, “The White race is really cool, and all the other races are garbage.” This is instead a statement to our children, “The White race is really cool, and you should be proud to be a part of it.” White racial pride -- its time has come.