BASIC #3:We must deeply ingrain into our White children the importance of only marrying members of their own race, and only producing children of the White race. |
MOST WHITE PARENTS TODAY ARE DOING LITTLE OR NOTHING TO EDUCATE their White children about the racial facts of life. You see White Grandparents all the time lugging around their Black or Asian grandchildren, and you can see on their faces that they are paying the price for their own stupidity of letting the media educate their children, instead of doing it themselves.
The media is promoting nothing as much as it is promoting the idea that White people should be eager to mate with non-Whites. They promote the idea that White women should go to bed with Black men and that White men should be bedding Asian women. A White marriage is incomplete if it doesn’t have some color thrown in. With our already anemic birth rate, and the hideously large birth rate of the non-White invaders, along with the huge number of those invaders actually arriving in America each year, it is obvious to anyone with an IQ that even approaches normal, that promoting race mixing for what remains of the White race today, is nothing short of attempted genocide. It goes far beyond the malicious intent of a crowd of people standing below a man on a ledge shouting up at him, “Jump! Jump!” This is instead the actual mental manipulation, through a proven behavior-altering device (TV), causing him to first go out on the ledge, and then to actually jump.
With our critically dangerous situation today, we must train our children that it is their duty to have only White children. There is no other way to perpetuate our race. Once the White people are gone, as anyone can see in the parts of America today where non-Whites have taken over, our culture and way of life will be gone as well.
Don’t think this is going to be an easy job! Our little girls are exposed to the idea of mating with non-Whites throughout their entire schooling process. They are exposed to the idea that it would be exciting and wonderful to “hook up” with a Black guy. The music industry, with its tremendous output of music specifically directed at our children, is driving our little boys to mate with non-Whites, and to not be disgusted by the women of their own race mating with other races. Any subspecies of animal that did what the music industry is trying to force our kids into doing would become extinct in short order. Guess what? If we continue as we are going right now, the White race will become extinct as well.
The only hope we have of stopping this disaster, which is only going to get worse with each generation as long as anti-Whites are in control of the mass media, is to work day in, and day out, with our own children, deprogramming them from the propaganda lies that they are exposed to. We need to make sure that they do not watch MTV, where the propaganda is the worst. We have to keep them from watching television in general, because it is loaded with toxic ideas. Lastly, we have to aggressively build the racial loyalty of our kids, and make sure that they understand what the media is doing; and how deadly it will be to our race if all Whites do what the media is promoting.
It is critical that our children are brought up from day one with the understanding that the media is the worst enemy they have on the planet. What they see in any of the media outlets is going to contain ideas that will destroy our White society. If they truly believe that, then they will be far less likely to fall prey to the Media Lords’ propaganda. It is an important first step for any White parent. From there, the job moves to countering the pressure that your children will receive from all their little friends who have parents who are either confused themselves, or they are not willing to invest the time and effort into educating their children to what is going on.
If your kids go to school, you can rest assured that they will go through a daily dose of propaganda telling them how wonderful it will be when there is no White race left in America. They are taught in school, either directly, or by implication, that once the “rainbow” of races has been mixed enough to remove all hint of the White racial characteristics and everyone is equally brown, then all will be much better that it is now. You have no choice, if you are going to save your kids, but to confront them every day when they get home from school and discuss what lies the teachers have been telling them. This is not something that you should have to be doing with your time, but it is absolutely necessary. Far better would be to home school your kids, where you will be the one who tells them about race. You then will not have to waste time undoing what the teachers have been doing to your kids.
If you do your job well, your kids will grow up with the knowledge that their race needs them to do what is right. They will not even think about having sex with a non-White or producing non-White children. They will never consider dating or marrying anyone who is not White. They will also be ready to train up their own children to be just like they are, and so you will have done a great service to your people, by creating new generations of people who will be eager to perpetuate the race into the future.