BASIC #2:We must congregate with members of our own race, by moving our families into White areas, and then striving to keep them that way. |
THIS MAY BE THE HARDEST OF ALL FOR US TO ACCOMPLISH. Our controlled government is working as hard as it can to suppress any all-White areas in the country. It has passed laws to make it illegal to do anything that would maintain a White area as White. Whites must sell their houses, not to whom they choose, as would be the case in a free country, but they must sell to non-Whites, even if they do not wish to. Housing associations, which once maintained the Whiteness of a neighborhood, can no longer legally do so. White people no longer have the legal right to associate with whom they will. The federal government forced all of the state governments to participate in the eradication of White society. It has progressed at a rapid rate, and if it were not for White people choosing to actually leave their own homes, and moving to a more expensive location that Blacks could not afford, the annihilation of White society would have progressed even faster.
The injustice of driving Whites from their own homes by the oppressive actions of the US government is never the topic of a documentary on television. Since those who control the television are the ones who pull the strings on our government, you will not find the media doing anything to protect Whites from the genocidal attack up them, and their way of life.
Still, there are places in the USA today that are mostly White. At the very least, we can live in the same town with others who are trying to preserve our way of life. You can have your kids play with their kids, and have their pro-White attitudes enhanced through association with other kids, rather than having it maimed and destroyed. The government is not yet in a position to stop you from moving to any state or city in the country that you choose. If you move to Idaho, Oregon, or Washington State, the government can’t stop you. If you wish to move to Maine, or Vermont, you still have that right. Your kids can still live in predominantly White neighborhoods if you are willing to make it happen.
With a united core of pro-White people, things can start to happen. The power of the television can be unplugged for a neighborhood, and maybe one day for a town. White people have always been very creative at survival once they are aware that a life threatening battle is under way. If a large enough group of Whites can be assembled in one place, they will find a way to survive, and once that happens, our race will be in good hands.
What is large enough? I would think that an entire state would ultimately have to be taken and held, and perhaps several states. In the long run, a means will have to be devised to allow a White section of land to become independent. Unless the entire country is retaken, which is highly unlikely, a point will be reached where secession of land will become desirable and mandatory. We must create some portion of land that will be a safe breeding ground for our race. We have to be able to determine our own destiny and not have it twisted and broken by our own government.
The lesson of India must be learned. Anti-miscegenation laws and customs, no matter how strongly enforced, are not going to be enough to save us. Look throughout the country of India and tell me where you find any of the blonde, blue-eyed people who once lived there. You can find none, because they have all been destroyed through miscegenation. India had in place one of the most rigid anti-race mixing arrangements that has ever existed on planet earth, called the caste system, and it wasn’t enough! It won’t be enough here either. The only way for White people to continue to exist into the next millennium is to create physical barriers between themselves and other races. Whether it is a separate state, a separate country, or a separate alien world, there must be a place where Whites can reproduce their race, and their culture, without interference from other races. Otherwise, we will be as wiped out here as we are in India today.
Once we have a separate land, we must remember the lesson we learned so hard in America: we cannot ever use other races to do our menial work for us. We must supply our own trash collectors, our own gardeners, our own farm workers, and our own servants. It is through these manual labor jobs that non-Whites have been introduced to every White society that they have destroyed. That must never happen again.
To survive, we must have a permanent White place on earth, where other races do not exist. And remember that this is a biological necessity, and therefore it is not hate. To label it hate is itself an act of hate, because it is an attempt to take that which we need for our survival from us.