Saving the Children |
BILL CLINTON ALWAYS TALKS ABOUT CHILDREN. He and his, seldom called adorable wife Hilary, are always talking about the welfare of the little ones. They sound so concerned about the children, that you would think they really cared about the little next generation. However, if they really liked children they would probably have had more than one, but lets set that aside for the moment. We have the concerned First Couple loving children so much that they are willing to take even more of your money, though you are already giving half to the government by way of taxes and fees. They want to improve our educational system even more than they have already over the last 30 years. They are willing to take away your legal right to smoke tobacco, just to save the children. They are willing to take away your right to drive a car without using your seat belt. They are willing to take away your right to discipline your children the same way that American children have always been disciplined. In fact there is no length to which these two will not go to save the children, including removing all of your rights and independence. It just makes you well up with pride to know that our leaders care about the children so much. (You may now take a moment to deal with the nausea you must be feeling at this moment.)
While our government is using the children for an excuse to dismantle our freedoms wholesale, it is time for white Americans to start taking at least a passing interest in their own offspring. Slow down from the rat race and take a pause. What are you doing to train your child for the future? What part of your culture are you passing on? What values have you given to those who will hold your legacy after you are gone? Let me point out a few items which white people have completely dropped the ball on for two generations at least:
White people and white culture are what made America powerful and free.
No other people or culture were required to bring us to the point we were
through the midpoint of this century. (Remember that while black slaves helped
create the wealth of the south, the Civil War destroyed all of that wealth
and much of the wealth of the North. If there were no black slaves that war
would not have been fought, and it would have been a wash or even a plus
for America if the blacks had never set foot on our soil.) This is not to
say that no contributions have been made by blacks or Asians but it is to
say that if all of those contributions were removed, America would still
be here and still be as great or greater than she is today. We need to instill
into our children a pride in what whites have done! They should first and
foremost learn the history and accomplishments of their own race and fully
understand what contributions their race has made to both America and the
world. All the races of man have benefited from the accomplishments of the
white man and our children should have no misunderstanding on that fact!
White people are fading fast. They are having very small families while
the other races are not. They have opened up their homelands to other races
while the other races have not. The whites are acting in a very dangerous
and ultimately suicidal fashion. If our children are not taught to avoid
these methods of destroying themselves, our race is doomed. Each parent should
teach their children that they only date and marry their own race. The children
must be taught that whites deserve to have their own countries just like
the other races do. This is simple self preservation and must not be believed
to be hatred. If it were hatred, all races are guilty of it and therefore,
it would have no need to be mentioned as being significant.
When looking at what other races and cultures have done in America,
it is quite clear that our children need to be strongly trained to avoid
what those other races are doing! They should be directed away from the music
and attire of other races and cultures. Do we really want our children to
be ghetto dwellers? Do we want our kids idolizing the hate mongers who poor
their disdain and anger out at white people? Do we want our little girls
to fantasize over blacks? Do we want our boys to dream of killing cops, parents
and fellow students? I say that we do not! And if we do not then we need
to take an iron stand against rap music and the attire that goes with it!
Who is the adult? Who is responsible for raising your children? You know
that children are not able to understand the full implications of their choices.
They will make wrong choices, even fatal choices, if their parents do not
give firm assistance in the decision making process.
Our children must be protected from the propaganda which the media
is promoting full time. There is no regular network programming that is fit
for your children to watch. Each and every program on TV is promoting things
which any normal white American should object to. We find an ever increasing
support of homosexuals in both the movies and the TV programs. We find that
an all-white setting is no longer possible on TV or in the movies. We find
that the moral values of honesty and hard work are not highlighted and promoted,
but rather the dirty trick and lie are considered smart and laudable. More
and more, white women are cast in roles opposite a black male lead which,
if it does not lead to an actual sexual union, supplies repeated situation
of touching and sexual innuendo. The whole point of that is to promote the
extermination of the white race by helping the white women to lose their
inhibition of mating with other races which is of course fatal to the white
race. The list is nearly endless. All TV programming and virtually all major
motion picture releases are nothing but propaganda for the elimination of
the white culture and the race which created it.
White parents must get on top of the education of their children! The best choice is to home-school children. This allows the parents to completely control the information which the children are exposed to. The next best choice for parents is to scrimp and save enough to get their kids into a private school that is not PC. It is not a luxury, it is a necessity! If nothing can be done but to send the children to public school, things are already looking grim for the child. The parents must devote a large segment of every day to correct the errors that will be put out to their children each and every day. It has to be a pro-active campaign, where the parents question the child as to what is being taught in school, exhaustively read the textbooks the child brings home from school, and then all errors must be pointed out to the child repeatedly. Also, certain things must be pointed out to the children over and over through the years. They must understand the importance of not destroying the white race and thereby the country of their birth. They must be taught to ignore the killing words that liberals use to try and remove all weapons of self-defense that whites have. Words like bigot and racist must be de-fanged for the children. When a liberal says white pride is racist, the children must be able to laugh it off as the foolishness that it is. Hurting someone because you do not like their race is racist. Defending your own race and territory is not!
What is needed is for white parents to raise their children with an understanding of the world which is hostile to their race, and the simple techniques that are required to protect our race from extinction. The children need to learn how to be good citizens, and to work hard to support their families. Doing what the Founding Fathers did would be a good start towards promoting a good, healthy and strong America. Since the PC crowd finds the Founding Fathers to be un-American, that proves their position is not in support of America in any way. They are out to destroy America and the race which created her. If we do not train our children to defend against these vicious attacks upon them, all will be lost in almost no time.
Save the children. Save them from the liberal onslaught of hate and malice. Save them from extinction at the hands of the white race haters. Save them from losing their heritage: their country built by their forefathers. Hand them the tools and weapons that they need to survive. Act with love and act now to save your children!