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I Love White Folks! |
This is the second of David Duke’s recent books, and if My Awakening were to accurately be considered a complete manual on the entire “car" of the attempted extermination of the White race today through genocide, Jewish Supremacism is an exhaustive manual on just the engine driving the process of extermination. Indeed, most of this work was lifted directly out of My Awakening and then updated.
The White race existed for thousands of years without too much difficulty, just defending itself when required by non-White invasions from time to time. However, today we stand in a position that is far worse than anything else we have ever encountered. Our lands are being overrun by foreign and non-White hordes, unlike anything that ever happened under the force of arms. And as this lethal process continues, White folks seem helpless to do anything about it. Why is that? Once you have read Jewish Supremacism there will be no doubt in your mind!
It may well be that the future of our entire race will hang upon who does and does not read this book. It will certainly hang on whether or not the information in this book becomes widely known!
Buy Jewish Supremacism today. Read it. Get your friends to read it, and help our White Future become a reality.
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They rate it as 4 and a half stars, which is low in my opinion!
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Jewish Supremacism