The Conservative Fool |
I TURNED ON A RADIO TALK SHOW TODAY A BIT BEFORE NOON, while eating my lunch. The host of the show said that he feared that the large influx of Mexican “immigrants” we are experiencing today was going to cause a war in the future when California tried to secede to Mexico. I thought to myself, “Wow, here is somebody that is seeing the real path that diversity always takes, leading to bloodshed.”
I was surprised a bit to see someone on the radio actually putting forward this idea in 2002. It does not take a genius to see that diversity is death to any society that embraces it, but it does take some grit to point it out on the radio. The host got a point for grit in my book. And then he fumbled the ball completely.
He went on to say that the Mexican government has stated that the reason that we are plagued with so many of its citizens in our country is because their economy stinks. He went on to say that he thought all we had to do to stop the invasion is to beef up their economy. He then suggested that we build power plants in Mexico. Then the Mexicans could get the revenue from the power plants, and we could get the power.
This sort of thing explains why conservatives will never save us from destruction. They just don’t get it. They have accepted the most important lies that the Leftists fed us in the 1960s and now they are “conserving” a Marxist diseased philosophy rather than the traditional American philosophy that once was their heritage.
What is wrong with his reasoning?
What this “conservative” talk show host doesn’t understand is that our problem, one that he even admitted that he sees, is first and foremost a USA problem, not a Mexican problem. We could throw back any attack that the weak Mexican nation could mount, if we brought our power to bear. Our failure to stop the Mexicans has nothing to do with the Mexican economy and everything to do with our traitorous government, which has allowed the invasion to take place without even calling out the National Guard, let alone the US Army, Navy, Marines or Air Force. Today, thanks to our worthless government, we have been invaded by millions more people since 1965, than the total number of all of the foreign invaders, from all the previous wars in our history, combined. Not only have we been invaded, but the invaders are not leaving! We have made no real effort to repulse the attack, or to forcibly return the invaders to their point of origin. We have instead forced our people to run and hide, in “White flight,” looking for a safe place to raise their families where they can get away from the Mexicans.
Conservatives fail to see that there is nothing left to conserve today. To reach the point where we can safely go into the conservation mode, we will have to go through a radical revolution just get us back to where we were before the 1960s' radical Left took control of our country. To try and walk “the middle of the road” today is insane, because we get “solutions” to problems like the one this talk show host was proposing. While we continue to get a million and a half non-White invaders coming into America each year, we have conservatives thinking that the problem lies somewhere else, rather than within our own corrupt government.
If you consider yourself a conservative it is time to wake up and smell the frijoles hombre: before you can conserve what the Founding Fathers created, you now will first have to RESTORE IT! If you conserve what we have now you will be making sure that what the Founding Fathers had in mind will lay dead and buried beneath the rubble created by the 1960s Anti-American Revolution.