QUESTION #1:Weren't forced integration, forced bussing, and affirmative action merely devices to rectify the wrongs of segregation and inequality, which had existed up until that point in history?ANSWER:Something as outrageous as these things are can never be "merely" anything at all. Let's take all three separately. What is it that is wrong with segregation? Where is it written that, "There shalt be no segregation"? Or more to the point, why were people upset over the idea of segregation. Was it the actual separation itself that bothered them? If you go into any lunch room across America today, you will see that the Blacks mostly sit together with other Blacks. The Whites mostly sit together with other Whites. The Hispanic sit together with other Hispanics. It is natural to separate. It certainly is not in any way "wrong." If we set miscegenation aside, Blacks were not just champing at the bit to go and be friends with White folks. It is not that they were drawn to our sparkling personalities, or bright shining faces. They did not crave fellowship with Whites. That is clear to any objective observer. So, what is it that they wanted? Obviously it was the standard of living that Whites had created for themselves. They wanted those nice clean houses and safe streets. They lusted to live like White folks were living. That is quite understandable. Yet there is a serious flaw in trying to label the fact that Whites had and Blacks didn't as an injustice which the government should step in and correct. What if my next door neighbor has put in a simply wonderful new pool, and I am so jealous. I wish that I had a pool too. It just is not fair that he has a pool and I do not. In fact no one in my family has ever owned a built in pool and I know that several members of my neighbor's family have pools too. Now what do I do? According to the reasoning of the government, my neighbor should knock down the wall between our yards and give me free usage of his pool. I should therefore have as much right to that pool as he has. The fallacy here is that if you want a pool it is not up to your neighbor to supply it for you. If you want a pool, you must work for it. You must take a second job or work some overtime at your job to gather the extra money you need to acquire the pool. That is the American way of improving your lot. If you want to live in a nice neighborhood you must get together with your neighbors and create one. Over and over again the government, with our tax dollars, has built very nice housing projects for Blacks. Every time the new housing was ripped into rubble in short order. If a Black neighborhood is a slum today, it will be a worse slum tomorrow. They refused, or were unable to use the opportunity afforded them to create their own nice neighborhoods. It is quite clear that all parties involved have always found the idea of Blacks helping themselves into creating nice neighborhoods is quite impossible. So, the Media Lords used this unfortunate inability of the Black race to create safe, clean and productive neighborhoods, as a weapon to help bring down the stable, sound and strong White society thriving in America at that time. Rather than proposing the far saner potential solution of helping Blacks create their own nice neighborhoods, the Media Lords found a way to drive a wedge into our society, through forced integration. It is quite clear that giving the Blacks money has created a ghetto lifestyle where misery is perpetuated. It has not pulled the black man out of poverty. It is clear that it never will. When blacks move into a White neighborhood, that neighborhood will turn into another ghetto at a rate that is equal to the rate of increase in percentage of Blacks in the neighborhood. Not only cannot Blacks create a nice neighborhood on their own, they cannot even maintain one that is given to them. Integration has been a complete failure. The Black race is still in poverty and now the White race is tasked with providing support through taxes for our ghetto dwellers, as well as trying to find a way of defending against the rise in crime in his no longer White neighborhood. It is clear that integration is a bust. It has not been good for either race, and the process of forced integration has spawned propaganda campaign that has nearly killed the strong racial bonds that existed before, and that had led to such great things in the past. Forced bussing was as stupid an idea as has ever been put forward as a solution for anything. If Black schools were inadequate, then sending White students there would not make them adequate would they? Or if sending White kids to a school would solve its problems, what does that say about having Black kids in school? The whole idea of integration was never to help Blacks out. Instead it was intended to weaken the strong White society. Busing harmed both races. It helped neither. We are a much weaker nation today because of busing and integration! Affirmative Action. Think about it. If you offered the White race Affirmative Action they would tell you take a hike. We will do it ourselves. What sort of person would need the government to force others to hire them, to allow them to live in their neighborhoods, or would even care to take a job or a house where they were complete outcasts? There was, and there still is, no reason from society anyway, why Blacks today could not take advantage of our capitalistic system and build their own businesses and nice neighborhoods. There is no greater insult in the world to a man than to tell him that the only reason he got a job is because the government forced the company to hire him. A White man would be shamed to tears to have to take a job under those circumstances. But Blacks are not shamed at all by Affirmative Action. Instead of turning against politicians who treat them as inferior by offering Affirmative Action to them, they get outraged at anyone who suggests that they should make it on their own. I guess that should tell us that they know what The Bell Curve was saying was true, even though most of them could never even read that book. |
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