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What form of outrage is too much for you? How far does this oppressive government have to go to get you to act? Look at some of the things that your representitive government has done already "for" you:

  • Forced integration. Our White neighborhoods, which were relatively free of Nonwhites and coincidentally free of crime, drugs and other accompanying unpleasantness, were taken over by the government and ordered to disband. No longer could Whites retain their safe neighborhoods which they built and maintained. They were forced to give them up by government order. We have had thousands and thousands of our children who have been killed, raped and abused because of this order. We have had our property damaged and stolen. The security of a safe haven that our home neighborhoods used to be has been stolen from us by our government.

  • Forced School Bussing. This is probably the most outrageous thing that the American government has ever done at one fell swoop to its own people. It is almost impossible to fully express the complete rejection of all things American that it took to pull this off. No elected official would have had the guts to even suggest such an affront to White Americans. Instead the courts, without considering the will of the people or the constitution of the United States, decided that White Americans no longer had rights in their own country. White Americans at that time, had searched out homes that had good schools beside them that their children could go to. They paid taxes to build and maintain those same schools for their children to attend. There was a great investment by White families into the schools that their kids were attending. An investment in time and money, not to mention an investment in loyalty to the American way of life.

    The White children were forcibly removed from their own schools, and they were put on buses, where they were forced to ride up to an hour each way to a mostly Black school, where their safety was far less, their education was far less and their justification for believing in America was completely exploded. The fact of the matter is that both the Whites and the Blacks had their grades fall because of this totalitarian outrage. No good came of it. A great deal of evil did however.

  • Affirmative Action. Here is a program where White people are refused jobs because of their race, by government order. It is the very thing that the government claimed that it was trying to rectify: discrimination. The country where Whites built a great nation suddenly became a place where it was literally a liability to be White. All across the nation White people saw Black secretaries hired not because they could type, or even because they were attractive, but because the government said they must be hired. Blacks were introduced into many areas where their only real function was to show up and fill a quota.

    One of the basic things about Whites is their sense of fairness. They want to be fair to others and they want to be treated fairly. Losing a job to a Black man who is better qualified for a job would not be a strong point of contention for most Whites. But there was nothing fair about giving a job to a Black who was less qualified. Even so, the White man's love of law and order kept him from revolting against this oppression.

  • The Martin Luther King Jr. holiday. Look up and down the calendar and you will find that we have one holiday for all the presidents of the United States, President's Day. We also have a holiday for Columbus, who was not an American. This holiday does not celebrate his birthday but the day that he landed in the New World for the first time. We have a holiday for a religious figure, the birthday of Christ, called Christmas. Not one single American has been great enough to today have a holiday all his own, except for one: Martin Luther King Jr. I could go down a list of men who have done far more for White Americans, whose race is still in the majority in this country. King never intended, or pretended, to work for Whites. His only goal was to change the status of Blacks in America. In the process this nation has been wounded, possibly fatally. He is not an American hero. He is a Black hero. They certainly are welcome to praise him and celebrate his birthday but there is no rational reason why White Americans should be forced to honor this racist, who only cared about Blacks. I do not blame him for wanting to help his people. That is how it should be. However, I do not think that Chief Joseph of the Nez Pierce, whom I believe to be an even more honorable man, should have an American holiday in his honor either. To qualify for an American holiday, you should have to do something for the entire country and certainly for the White citizens.

    The point is that the King holiday is a slap in the face to all White American, because there are many White men in our history who stand head and shoulders above King as thinkers, humanitarians, courageous leaders, and even martyrs for their country. The government has created this holiday, where each year White Americans can have their noses rubbed in the fact that we no longer rule our own country and we are living with an occupational government.

  • Black History Month. Here is an interesting one. It is considered a primary goal of the USA today to be "color blind." That is, no belief in race is acceptable. Yet each year an entire month is dedicated to the Black race where race is pointed out and celebrated. Our White Children are forced to join in and color pictures of Blacks, and study Blacks, as Blacks. At no point in the year do they ever study any White, as a White. They never are forced, or even allowed, to study White accomplishment as being White. The very idea of celebrating Whiteness, or White culture is sacrilege to the government and the schools. In fact, while Black students are told how wonderful the Black race is, they are told at the very same time that there is no White race!

That brings us back to the question: What is too much for you to take? Is destroying your schools acceptable? Is destroying your neighborhood something you are willing to tolerate? Is the loss of your history, your "ROOTS" tolerable? Can you stand by, shrugging your shoulders, as each of these outrages continues to slap you soundly across your face?

There is one more insult that awaits you. This one is not a slap across your face. This one is not even a punch in the nose. This one is sword directed straight at your neck. It is whistling through the air right now, dead on the mark. It will be completely fatal for White America if the blow is not parried.

What is this outrageous lethal attack? Right now the governments of all the White nations have opened our borders and are allowing a massive influx of Nonwhite immigration. It is as if the dikes in the Netherlands were allowed to break down and start pouring water over the land lying below sea level. Then it is as if in response to the disaster, the Dutch government sent out crews to tear more of the dikes down and speed up the process. President Clinton has actually shown glee at the idea of a US White minority in the mid 21st century. This is completely unacceptable.

It has already been pointed out that an increase in Nonwhite population is an increase in crime. Beyond this there is a long history of what happens in areas where Whites give up their ruling status to Nonwhites. In Haiti thousands of Whites were put to death as the Blacks totally exterminated them. This will be in the future of the USA if Nonwhite immigration is not halted, and halted soon!

We must have as our goal the return of our White nation to an 80% to 90% White majority as it was before 1960. Again, just like respect for the dangers of freeways and of chemicals, it is not hatred to respect this form of danger and to keep our homes and families far away from those elements that will bring them harm.

Questions? Click here for FAQs on this topic.
The third tenet of The Plan is to oppose Nonwhite immigration completely for now. Never vote for a candidate who supports Nonwhite immigration. Always vote for a candidate who is in full support of returning our White majority to at least 80 - 90% as quickly as possible -- even if you have to write in your own name! Teach your children to oppose Nonwhite immigration and to be aware of the dangers of becoming a White minority nation.
If you have any further questions on this area of the plan, please email them to me at the address HERE with the SUBJECT: Plan Page 6. I am always looking for additional pertinent questions to add to the FAQ list.


