The Freedom to Learn |
Excerpt From:
How to Win: A Practical Guide for Defeating the Radical Right in Your Community
"The single most important way to protect the freedom to learn, to protect against censorship of educational materials and programs, is to get involved. Challenges are reaching every part of the public school curriculum: library books, reading series, health and sex education, counseling programs, environmental education, school plays, student newspapers, and more. Just as these censors have become more effective in their strategies, citizens and educators must organize and be decisive in their responses. The following are some questions and answers to enable activists to respond more effectively to censorship attempts.
"What is censorship? Censorship is the removal or restriction of materials by a governmental entity (e.g., a school system) with the intent of suppressing ideas and information. The hallmark of a censorship attempt is one person's desire to examine books, films and curricula for "objectionable" material as a means of supervising conduct or morals. Censors impose their views by deciding what others should not read or see. In schools, censorship occurs when materials are removed at least in part for ideological, religious or other reasons not having to do with their educational suitability. The Supreme Court has made clear that, under the First Amendment, a book may not be removed from a school simply because school officials or community objectors disagree with its ideas. Rather, school board decisions removing materials must be based on educational criteria, not on ideological, political or religious grounds."
Copyright 1994 by Radical Right Task Force
Permission is granted to reproduce this publication in whole or in part. All
other rights reserved.
For more information contact:
Pat Lewis
National Jewish Democratic Council
711 Second Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20002
(202) 544-7636
HOW REFRESHING IT IS to see the enemies of our people speaking out so aggressively against their own tactics. They say that the best way to protect the "freedom to learn," is to get involved. Well, that is true. Because you see that today there is no freedom to learn in our nation. Today censorship is practiced in a ruthless way. Go to your local school library and see if you can find a copy of "My Awakening" by David Duke. I have been told about public county libraries that would not even accept a free copy of that book, dedicated out of the goodness of a patriot's heart. Since these hateful folks are blocking what adults can read at the local library, you can imagine the level of censorship these hypocrites will be willing to exercise at the school level.
And look how desperate they sound in their desire to protect the "freedom" of your children to read the books and ideas that the Leftists hold dear, while they ruthlessly remove any opportunity for children to read books that the Left abhors. Note how they sound like they are wide open to all ideas. They claim that they want to absolutely obliterate censorship. And yet they are the greatest censors on earth. They wish to stop parents from choosing what their own kids will be exposed to in school, while they insure that the Leftist black listed books will remain unavailable. What is the definition of censorship? As you will see above, the Leftists define it thusly:
"Censorship is the removal or restriction of materials by a governmental entity (e.g., a school system) with the intent of suppressing ideas and information."
So, when the Leftist blocks My Awakening, Jewish Supremacism, or other pro-White material from school book shelves, he is committing an act of CENSORSHIP! He wants to suppress the right wing ideas that run counter to his dogmatic world view. He has been doing this for years, while at the same time standing up and yelling at the top of his voice that he opposes censorship.
And what is the Supreme Court's definition of illegal censorship?
"The Supreme Court has made clear that, under the First Amendment, a book may not be removed from a school simply because school officials or community objectors disagree with its ideas. Rather, school board decisions removing materials must be based on educational criteria, not on ideological, political or religious grounds."
Now, first of all, this decision of the Supreme Court is an outrage. If the community cannot determine what is in its own school library, that it is paying for with its own taxes, then that community is obviously not living in a free society. It is under the control of an oppressive government dictatorship. Democracy is dead for that community.
Moving past that for a moment, let us take this ruling at face value (pretending that it has some). No book can be removed from a school because its ideas are disagreed with. A decision to remove it can only be based upon educational criteria.
See how these dishonest, cunning people work? They do not like books that express the ideas of the Right, so they ban them. Then if someone from even the watered down "Right" tries to keep objectional material out of the hands of his children, these Leftists scream louder than a little pig being cruelly tortured, that they hate censorship. They do all in their power to block all community attempts to set some sort of standard of decency for its school library, while blocking books that they disapprove of for ideological reasons.
"Oh, oh!" they cry. "Censorship is evil! It is a terrible thing to withhold ideas from your children, simply because you disagree with them. You must let the children be exposed to all ideas. You cannot ban any books!"
Sexually explicit material is okay for grade schoolers. The promotion of homosexuality is just fine for little kids. The forced propaganda study of M. L. King is just fine. Counseling young girls to have an abortion without telling their parents is just wonderful. The promotion of cross racial dating, and cross racial sexual relations, is an important part of a well rounded education. Yes, to the Leftist, cutting the parents and the community out of the equation of what is being taught to their own children is not only all right, it is mandatory! At the same time, trying to cut the federal government, the Marxist educators, and Leftist groups like National Jewish Democratic Council out of the picture is terrible and something to be fought against with all of the weapons they can invent.
Reading the sickening hypocrisy contained in " A Practical Guide" is really more than should be expected of any intelligent man. Yet, if we just ignore it, we will watch our children be dragged down into the abyss by these double dealing charlatans. We must face these creatures for what they are and stand up to them. As much as it turns one's stomach to have to look such people in the eye, we have no choice but to do it. The only other option is unthinkable.
Who Rules America?