The Rise and Fall of the American Nation
Part III
In this third part of the series, I will continue with the discussion, begun in Part II, of the sources of attack upon our White nation. In Part II I discussed the destructive results of the attack from: the introduction of Blacks into our White nation, the anti-war movement, and the feminist movement. Now we will continue with...
The Civil Rights Movement. This movement was focused upon only one thing: tearing White America down. All of the rhetoric and marching were smoke screens for the Leftists working behind the scenes. The people who handled MLK and wrote his speeches for him were not Black. Just like the presidents of the NAACP up until 1970, they were Jewish Marxists. The Civil Rights movement has destroyed the Black family: Today, over 66% of all Blacks are born illegitimately, and over 80% of the Blacks in the ghetto are. The Civil Rights movement did not make life better for the majority of Blacks, only a few of them. What it did do was destroy the solidarity that Whites had with each other. It put a chisel to the rock solid foundation of America.
The entire thrust of the Civil Rights movement was to make White America feel guilty for creating a great place for their children to live and inherit. It is absurd to the core that White Americans should feel bad for doing something so wonderful. Blacks in the United States have a higher standard of living than they do anywhere in Africa. You certainly do not see all the Blacks who are whining about America lining up to get on boats to move back to Africa. No, they just want to spew hatred upon Whites who provided them a place to live.
Another point that is seldom discussed is that the vast majority of Blacks who are in the US today, would not exist at all if it had not been for slavery.(1) Slavery provided the Africans who collected the slaves in the first place an alternative to slaughtering the captives they took in wars with other tribes. The greatest number of slaves were taken this way. The Africans were doing this long before a White man ever purchased a slave from an African slave dealer. If they could not use the slaves they had captured, and they could not sell them, they just killed them. Wholesale slaughter. That is what would have happened to most of the ancestors of the Blacks in America, if they had not been sold as slaves to slave masters who treated them well enough so that they survived until now. Since Blacks started the Black slave trade, and benefited greatly from it (and some still practice it today in Africa!), it is pure hypocrisy to try and make Whites feel guilty for using Blacks slaves.
Whites stopped using Black slaves, and freed them in the 19th century. What Whites should feel guilty about is not removing the Black slaves and returning them to their native land when slavery was abolished. The curse that the 19th century Whites laid upon us all is a heavy one indeed, and we are going to have to work hard to solve that problem.
It is hard to overestimate the damage that has been done to White America by the Civil Rights movement. It has destroyed our national pride, our neighborhoods, our schools and our ability to compete in the technological world today. (Because of the sad state our school system is in, we have to import foreigners in order to fill the high tech jobs in our own country.) We have slid a long ways down the hill towards the third world level of existence but do not yet realize it. Our jobs are going to other nations, our production factories are closing and we are relying on vaporous "service industries" to prop up our standard of living. One good depression, or even a strong recession could easily expose our tenuous position. We are a tree rotting from the inside out, appearing to be strong, while in reality we are nearly dead. What would we do if suddenly we had to make our own cars, televisions, motorcycles and a thousand other things we use every day, but no long make in the USA? Can we imagine doing without those things? Perhaps, in the not too distant future we will have to more than just imagine.
Our strong, healthy society was made weak and ill by the Civil Rights movement. We no longer have the driving racial force behind our actions. We no longer see the White man as the glorious conqueror of the New World and the honorable architect of the greatest nation on earth. Instead we grovel in racial submission, fearful that someone else might just happen to notice that we are White. It is clear if we had it all to do over again we would not be able to do so. We would be too ashamed of fighting the stone aged Indians and too wimpy to expand our boarders from coast to coast. We would not even have the gumption to revolt against England. The Civil Rights movement has stripped us of our power to be free and brave White folks. And that was what it was designed to do by those who orchestrated it.
The Leftists have attacked and dismantle our world class school system. Even today they talk unceasingly how they have even "greater" plans for our schools. Think about it. If you sent a loved one to a doctor for an annual check up, an individual that was in the peak of health, and that doctor set about wrecking your loved one's health, driving him near to death, would you allow that doctor to lay another hand on your family member? Would you not keep that doctor as far away from this family member and all other family and friends you could notify?
Well, that is what the Leftist has done to our school system. The healthy schools of the 1950s had White homogenous classrooms. Their history courses were pro-White. The ethics and philosophy was Christian. And the standards were high. They strongly promoted the 3 R's and geography. When a child completed school, he had an education under his belt! The Leftist then got his devious little hands upon the very best schools in the world, and destroyed them. Through, diversity, the calm and civilized nature of the campus was disrupted. The curriculum was tampered with to allow Blacks to be able to pass the courses. The federal government moved in and dictated what could and could not be done at school, and "feel good" do nothing material became dominant in the classes. The idea of standards was corrupted and downplayed, and the idea of universal self-esteem replaced the age old Aryan idea of earned-esteem. The history of the White race was held up to ridicule and the accomplishments of White folks were turned around to appear to be evil and wicked.
Over time, the result of this process has been the lowering of the educational level of our students. They no longer can compete with graduates from schools in other lands. They are well versed in diversity and Political Correctness of all types, but they do not know the Three R's. And instead of running these Leftist quacks out of town on a rail as they deserve, we have allowed them to remain in power and continue their destructive work.
The first part of our government that fell under direct control of the Marxists in America was the Judicial System. The Supreme Court appeared to be merely insane at first. It made strange and very unpopular decisions, and folks were stunned. The court even began writing legislation, which was unconstitutional. Things like forced bussing and desegregation were forced down White American throats, with no legal recourse. What can you legally do with a traitorous Supreme Court? It became clear over time that the Leftists had completely taken control of the courts, as all of the goals and causes of the Left, no longer had to pass through the process of gathering support from a majority of the voters, but instead were merely put into court rulings that had the effect of legislation. Our system of government had been effectively derailed.
The court system forced Civil Rights, Feminism and other Leftist ideas into the lives of American Citizens who were strongly opposed to these un-American concepts. The Leftist controlled courts turned America on its head. That which was taken for granted as right, suddenly was ruled wrong. And that which was taken for granted as wrong, suddenly was ruled as being right. What the people wanted, in this one time "representative republic" no longer mattered. All that mattered was what the Leftists wanted, and their Marxist ideals.
You may have noticed over the past 30 years or so, that there are certain subjects where the phrase, "this is what the people want" was never used. When it comes to desegregation, multiculturalism, all forms of diversity, feminism, and similar topics, it has been decided for us what will happen. First, they forced these things upon us, and then proceeded to propagandize for them. Given enough time to brainwash the masses, they found that they could get a majority vote in support for nearly anything. After 40 years of heavy propaganda, and conditions that force acclamation upon both people and institutions, they are nearly ready to go back and pretend that democracy actually works in America and all of these Leftist, un-American causes are "what the people want." What nobody is allowed to talk about is what the people wanted when these policies were forced upon them back in the 1960s.
The courts were used to pull this criminal, and successful attempt to bypass both the constitution and the will of the people. White Americans wanted to continue to live in a White society. There is no doubt about that. Since the Founding Fathers wanted that same thing for themselves and their descendants, there is no doubt that the constitution was framed with that in mind. Therefore, maintaining a White America must be constitutional! Bypassing the will of the people on the issue of maintaining a White society, was illegal and unconstitutional. But it happened.
Using the media to force Marxist ideals upon the masses, was something that was ethically bankrupt, and an act of war against our nation. Perhaps we should take a moment and review who it is that is in control of the media by reading the information complied by the National Alliance at Who Rules America. The media is the biggest source of treason this nation has ever seen and is the next area of attack to be discussed.
Looking back over the last 40 years, it is easy to see what the Leftists were able to do to America. Like a train that has come upon a stretch of track that has been displaced, our nation has bounced off course. The engine, our government, has completely left the track. The following cars are one by one being dragged off the track and rolling off the cliff along which the track was laid. Things look bleak indeed, as the saboteurs are laughing maniacally at our plight. They feel the job is done and all they have to do is wait for the entire train to finally crash at the bottom of the canyon below. They think that you are going to sit quietly by and say nothing, like a good little White lemming. Are they right?
End of Part III
1. Kevin Beary has written a great piece on this subject at AFRICAN ROOTS: The Slave-Trade Revisited
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