
Here is a basic rule of human nature: confidence convinces. A confident pastor will convert more people than a pastor who is unsure. A confident salesman makes the sales, and a confident debater will carry the debate. Notice that I did not mention fact, truth, or reality. The list of charlatan religious men (Jim Jones et. al.), salesmen, con men, and politicians speaks for itself. In every case, the con man left reality behind, and filled in the void with confidence. Bill Clinton is a master of this very tactic. He lies every time he opens his mouth, but he is as confident as a teacher explaining to his students that 1 + 1 = 2. Confidence sells, even without facts.

Now add to confidence, the unassailable truth and what do you have? Fission was powerful enough on its own to create quite a bang. However, when they coupled fission with the right material, they produced fusion and a bomb that was many times more powerful. The point is that you need confidence to make people listen to you, and you need the facts to make the really big impact with what you say. We have talked about facts already. Now let’s talk about confidence in yourself and others.

Be Mr. Motivation! You are a positive force in this land for your people. You are not going to spread sour grapes to others about the White leaders, or cloud up and rain on those who are trying to make things happen. You instead are going to provide positive comments, unmitigated energy in support of our cause. Be assertive. Be upbeat, and keep the fires burning in those around you. If there is a cloud, accentuate that silver lining. Know that the sun lies behind all clouds and is shining its reality just as brightly as ever, whether you see it right now or not. Keep in mind that even at night, the sun is shining on the other side of Earth. We have a job to do, and we have the tools to do it. Lets get on with it and make it happen, and let’s do it with a smile on our faces. We are going to win, and you are going to be a part of that victory. Celebrate that, when you can’t find anything else to be happy about. The future is as bright as you wish to make it, and a bright outlook today will polish up that future to a sheen that is so brilliant that it is blinding.

We are working to save the race that has created the most sophisticated music, art, literature, architecture, science, medicine, and technology on earth. Remember that the White race has actually put men on the Moon, and brought them back. This is not like trying to save the Spotted Owl, which is too stupid to even understand what extinction is. This is a work worthy of the heroes of Homer, and while we face a few monsters in our path, like Odysseus did, we have right and power on our side, and we will come out victorious in the end. Think it, believe it, and live it, because it is going to happen!

STEP FIVE is: Motivate others to initiate and follow through with the actions listed in Step Four.