What is feedback? Feedback is a method of letting someone (including yourself) know whether or not he is doing things right. Reality gives you feedback all the time. When you trip over something on the floor you are given feedback that you need to look where you are going. When you burn your fingers you are given feedback that tells you to keep away from hot objects. All feedback is based upon some standard. Your reality assumes that it is not good not to trip, nor to be in pain from burns. That is your standard. What standard should we be using to judge whether our movement is doing the right thing or not? Here are a few things that we can check:
You can use this list and your own list of goals to judge your own actions and those of others to see if things are going as they should. If not, provide positive feedback, in a positive and upbeat manner. (I had an individual, supposedly pro-White, provide his feedback to me the other day in a very sarcastic manner. I found that email far more demoralizing than any hate mail from the other side.) Feedback is necessary, but so are good manners. When you use rude attack, sarcasm, or other anger producing devices, you will create a stubborn resistance in your target to whatever you might say, even if it is correct! Today you may be my coach, and tomorrow I may be yours, and that is how we all pull the team along to victory. Attack is for the enemy, not for your comrades in the trenches. We have many talents and many different approaches towards accomplishing our goal, but we all have the same goal: survival of our people, and the return of our land to the White nation that it was. STEP SIX: Provide feedback and leadership to our people throughout the process of restoration.