Notice: How to Solve the Problem

What can you tell others when they ask, "What can I do to solve this problem?"

  1. Turn off their television sets. How simple! Yet think of all the benefits. You cut the enemies of our people off at that knees by depriving them of their primary propaganda channel. They no longer can control you and your family through mind control tactics. Compare a family where the television is on, with one that has no television. What activities will each type of family participate in. It is easy to visualize which family is going to be mentally healthier and more in touch with what the other members of the family have going on in their lives.

  2. Counterattack against the assault made upon your children by the school system.
    Homeschool if possible. This will once again chop the propaganda brokers off at the knees. It will allow your children to be educated by people who do not have an agenda that is destructive to your way of life. Think of how important that is!
    Plan B, is to send your children to a White private school. However, you will find that even here they worship at the altar of the MLK man. In spite of the fact that most White parents specifically evaluate the safety of a school, a shopping center, or a neighborhood to be inversely proportional to the relative number of Black faces present, they have been brainwashed to think this is merely an aberration. (They have been told, and therefore believe, that Black neighborhoods are always more dangerous than White neighborhoods, but that is just a fluke of statistics, and it does not really mean anything significant. Such a complete loss of contact with reality is frightening to behold!)
    Plan C is the worst of the three but if you absolutely cannot arrange either of the other plans then you must put on your fatigues and go after the public school system. Every single day that your child comes home from school, go through a debriefing. Discuss what went on in class. Check the textbooks and homework papers over, and be ready to counter the lies and distortions your child will have faced during classes that day. Otherwise your child will be lost to the enemy. It is as simple as that, and you will have no one but yourself to blame for not doing what you needed to do to counteract the propaganda that you knew was there. It is up to you!
  3. Read to your children. If you need some book ideas, browse through the book selection at The National Alliance Book Store - Children’s Section online. There is nothing that can generate a love of reading in a young child, as having a loving parent read stories to him. It will create a lifelong desire to read, which is the very best method for him to educate himself later as an adult, as well as now as a child. There are very few things that you can do for your child that will have more of a positive long term impact on his life!

  4. Educate yourself on what is going on. Be ready with statistics and facts when discussions around you move into territory that allows you to discuss racial matters. If they discuss a “hate crime” that the news is playing up, be ready to point out that most cross racial crime is committed against Whites not by Whites. There are many topic areas where your education can open the door to fruitful discussions. In spite of the media monopoly enjoyed by the diversity mongers, White Americans every day discuss certain topics that are “safe” but which highlight the frustration that they have over what they see in the so-called news. They are angered about benefits paid out to Illegal Aliens, which is safe to complain about, but that is only a step away from being angry about Illegal Aliens themselves, and that is only one step from anger at the non-White invasion. It is up to us to move these “safe” conversations gently and routinely into the unsafe real issues that we must be able to discuss to make real positive change.

  5. Reach out. Write letters to editors. Call talk shows. Speak up in every forum you have available to you. Add your voice to the ever growing crowd of people who have decided that this land and this people is worth standing up for.

  6. Carry yourself with civility and with confidence. Be an unyielding, but pleasant force for truth and dignity. Be someone who is respected for being a White gentleman, proud of both his manners and his race. Remember that it is much easier to move someone in gradual steps than in one big push. An angry argument will normally have no positive results, while a quiet word with a smile can move mountains.

As White folks come awake, their first question will be, “What can I do to help?” That is why STEP FOUR is: Instruct other Whites in what positive actions they can take to solve our problem.