Promote White Brotherhood

Our people must once again be made to feel a brotherhood with their racial siblings, just as George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin and millions of Amercans of the past felt with their own people. It was once a statement of pride to say, "I am a White man." This was because there was a brotherhood of Whites, where the accomplishments of one White was felt to be a common gain by the whole of the race. It is time to restore that honorable attitude to our people.

It has truly been said, "If all men are my brothers, then no man is my brother." A definition that includes everything, has no real meaning. A definition of a word must exclude, as well as include. The term "child" excludes adults. The term "male" excludes females. The term "brother" only has meaning when the relationship excludes all those who are not genetically related to you. The members of the Black race understand this very well. To them the term "brother" can be used interchangably with the term "Black man," for the genetic racial connection is a relationship of kin.

Most White people do not find fault with the racial use of the term "brother" by Blacks. From that, it follows directly that it is quite right that all Whites should consider all of the Whites around them to be their brothers and sisters. So, STEP ONE is for us to help all our White brothers and sisters to take this simple mental step. Brotherhood is our natural state, and it is time to leave the unnatural PC world and return to the reality provided to us by nature.

Let us acknowledge, and promote, the brotherhood which our race is entitled to and which will provide strength for the struggle that awaits us.