







Since everyone has a right to an education, shouldn't the school try and teach everybody? Don't you know the price of ignorance?


Ignorance is without a doubt painful, to both its owner, and to those who have to live around him. Society is better off when the citizens are well educated. All of our industry depends on having well educated people coming out of our schools. That is why we must avoid creating entire student bodies of ignorant people every year! It is critical that a large majority of students receive a high quality education. Those educated people will be running this country in a few short years.

Now, visualize what happens when you try to educate Johnny the hood. He comes into class. He cuts up, he threatens others and nothing happens to him. The rest of the class is disrupted and learning becomes very difficult. Over time the other kids see that disruption is not disciplined and they start doing it too. Soon we have a nearly complete waste of time going on in the classroom. Instead of one ignorant hood, we now have a whole classroom full of ignorant students.

You must remember that there is no place in the constitution that guarantees you the right to an education. It is a privilege which is in society's best interest to offer to you, in hopes that you will make the most of it. It is not owed to you by society, however, and if you are going to make it difficult for others to learn you should be shown the door very quickly. It is better to have 90 students who are well educated, and 10 who are not educated than to have 100 half way educated people.


What on earth does race have to do with education? Aren't we really all the same if we are given the same opportunity?


Are you familiar with the book The Bell Curve? It is a scholarly work which is not terribly light reading, but in it you will find the answer to your question. Something which you are never going to be told on television. Something that your newspapers are never going to pass along. It is a fact that all intelligence experts know but few are willing to discuss. There is a difference in the IQ scores, and therefore the intelligence, between the White student and the Black student. It is not one point or just a couple of points. It is fifteen points. That is in America where the blacks are only part Black. In Africa where the Black race is a lot closer to pure, you find that the average IQ is 30 points lower than the White average.

Now what does this mean? First of all it does not mean that all Blacks are stupid! Some Blacks fall all along the intelligence spectrum. Some are very bright. That is however, completely beside the point here. The question is, what effect does bringing a group of people, whose IQs average 85 points, into a school system have, that was build for White kids with IQs that average 100 points?

Think about that for a moment. Let's say that one or two of the Black kids go into each classroom. Are they going to be able to keep up? A few of the brightest will be able to, but most of them will not. First crisis. What to do with the Black kids who are failing? Do we fail them? The political system says that failing them is not an option. It might damage their egos. It would be racist to hold them back. Next option?

Of course you know what happened. Over the years our school system has been slowing down for those Black kids. SAT scores dropped every year after the Blacks were put into the White schools up until they recently changed the way they graded the tests to boost the scores. Real scores are continuing to drop.

Even so, we have "educators" suggesting that we should do away with grades altogether because it is hard on the students' egos. This is a microcosm of the whole problem with America today. We have a serious problem brought on by liberalism, and instead of reacting in a sane way to the disaster, we have liberals continuing to promote the very ideas which generated the crisis in the first place.

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