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  • It is wrong to lie. (President Clinton could never survive in politics with voters who had had a real White education.)

  • It is wrong to steal.

  • It is wrong to cheat on a test

  • Each citizen should pull their own weight in society. It is wrong to take charity, private or governmental, unless you have absolutely no other choice, and even then you should make every effort to pay it back.

  • It is wrong to get divorced if there is any possible way to avoid it. No-fault divorce is ethically wrong! Whoever breaks up a marriage should suffer the penalty for it. Grounds for divorce should be clear, beating, adultery, abandonment and the guilty party should have stiff penalties attached to their actions.

  • That they should subscribe to the entire array of the high traditional ethical values of our White civilization instead of the amoral chaff which passes for ethics in the school today.

  • Western culture, including a pro-White history. They will know their roots and the greatness of those White men who came before them like Washington, Franklin, Jefferson, Sir Isaac Newton.

  • Western Literature, reading the great White authors like Shakespeare, Rudyard Kipling, Plato, Homer and discussing the words of the greatest minds which ever existed on earth.

  • Writing with skill and excellence.

  • Grammar and speech.

  • The proper use of mathematics in the ways that their minds are capable of.

Who should be in school? Look at the schools in the 1950s. Those who chose to disrupt rather than learn were suspended, and if they repeatedly disrupted, they were expelled. No student was allowed to take over any classroom nor intimidate any teacher.

Parents were eager to assist the teacher in maintaining order in the classroom, because that is the only way that meaningful higher learning can take place.

Most people today do not realize that there were dress codes in the White schools in the 1950s. Kids were expected to "dress for success" in their classrooms. Just like any successful businessman can tell you, how you dress effects not only those around you but even your own attitude is impacted!

What I am saying here is nothing new. Teachers know this to be true. Contrary to the nonsense which is accepted in schools today, children are not in school to teach the teacher, or each other. The teacher has spent many years going to school to train himself on the material that must be passed along to the students. His goal is to pass that material to the students as efficiently as possible. That requires assistance from the student.

You may find some way to force water down the throat of a horse that you led to that water, but you will not ever be able to force any real quantity of learning into a child who does not want to learn. That means that the students in our schools must not be in fear of their lives, on drugs, or in possession of an attitude that they are not interested in learning what the teacher is presenting.

This means parents must be involved with their children's learning. They must back up the teacher and help motivate their children to learn.

Where did we lose control of our classrooms? Was it not during the 1960s when the Media Lords began their campaign in earnest? We first were ordered by the courts to introduce Nonwhites into our schools. Suddenly the media started a full blown campaign to make all who opposed the court ruling to appear to be evil hatemongers, who had no reason for their opposition except blind and unfounded hatred of other races. Newscasters editorialized. Newspapers editorialized. Finally the television shows began their editorializing. Ever since then, the editorial, brainwashing propaganda campaign has continued to intensify, and, dare I say, diversify.

Next we were ordered to keep the Nonwhites in the classroom and not expel them even if they broke the law. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out where this will lead. Again, checking the statistics, at every age, Nonwhites are more likely to be criminals. Introducing Nonwhites into our schools will increase the percentage of criminals starting the school year. Not allowing expulsions, insures not only that the new criminals will be allowed to remain in school and terrorize and sometimes even kill the other students, but also even the White criminals that would have been expelled before, now remain in school.

As if this were not enough, the Media Lords decided that Western Civilization courses were no longer required. Suddenly, our White children were taught that their White heroes of the past were villains and that they must now worship at the altar of Saint Martin, who had done nothing positive for them during his entire life. Next came the Black Pseudo-history Month exercises where our White kids are told that Blacks had done things that they had not done in reality, while leaving all our children pretty much in the dark, no pun intended, as to how abysmal the track record of the Black race is in the area of invention and civilization building.

What remains to be done? Let me see. So far:

  • We have disrupted the classrooms.

  • We have removed any real authority from the teacher.

  • We have made it impossible to expel a student unless a judge should want that student for a prison term, making it both dangerous, and difficult to learn in school.

  • We have removed all absolute standards of right and wrong from the school.

  • We have put Western Civilization out of bounds for teachers and rewritten history so that the White man is the villain.

  • We have created lies which we teach as Black "History" to our students.

  • We have decided that grades are just too hard for minorities to get so we have either made grades much easier to get, or thrown them out altogether.

  • We have hired black teachers who refuse to be tested for competency.

It is a wonder that our schools function at all after doing that much harm to them, all in the name of racial fairness! The courts decided, not the American people, that our schools would be so much better if integrated. Ultimately that led to each of the items listed above which have destroyed our schools.

Questions? Click here for FAQs on this topic.
Naturally, the second tenet of The Plan is to oppose integration of the schools at all times. Also, we must support schools having the authority to expel and discipline criminal and other disruptive behavior. Never vote for a candidate who supports integration of the schools, or liberal permissive attitudes. Always vote for a candidate who is in full support of White schools, and White discipline for schools -- even if you have to write in your own name! Teach your children to oppose school integration and to be aware of the dangers of school integration.

If you have any further questions on this area of the plan, please email them to me at the address HERE with the SUBJECT: Plan Page 5. I am always looking for additional pertinent questions to add to the FAQ list.


