The Rise and Fall of the American Nation
Part IV
We are discussing the factors that have been instrumental in beginning the fall of this great nation. So far I have discussed the destructive results of the introduction of Blacks into our White nation, the anti-war movement, the feminist movement, the Civil Rights movement, the dismantling of our schools, and the corruption of our Judicial System.
In Part IV we will talk about the media.
The Media. Think back and see if you can remember when was the last time you heard someone, unopposed, say something really good about the White race as a people on the news. When was the last time that you saw a White character in a movie, who was depicted in a positive light, proclaim how proud or glad he was that he was White? You see Black actors, Black "Civil Rights" leaders, and all sorts of other Blacks walking around proudly declaring their race and their pride in it. Look at history and tell me if it true that the Black race has done more for the world than the White race has? Remember that most Black people who are alive today would not be alive if it were not for White people. The medical and agricultural advances made by the White race have literally saved millions of Black lives. What has the Black race willingly done to save White lives? This is not to belittle the Black race, but to highlight the absurdity of condemning the White race for having some pride in its own accomplishments.
For some reason the national media hates the idea of proud and networked White folks. White folks being proud of their people, and of their history is continually attacked by the media as being "hate." Whites wanting to have their own lands, their own neighborhoods and their own schools is always, unfailingly categorized as hatred by the media. Since America was born a White nation, grew up as a White nation, and until 1965 remained a White nation, there is no foundation whatsoever for calling someone who wishes that to continue into the future anything other than patriotic, and loyal to the real American way of life. A White America is a traditional America. George Washington would feel perfectly at home in a White America but would feel like an alien in the diverse portions of our nation today. Thomas Jefferson would have no problem with all-White schools and neighborhoods but he would "shudder" at mixing the races together in a diverse soup.(1)
The people behind the media know this is true. That is why we see more and more open attacks upon our Founding Fathers in the media. They do not want Americans worshipping heroes that were pro-White, and anti-diversity. They do not want Americans to reach back to their ancestors and try to emulate them. Instead they want White Americans to forget their past and look instead to the future that the media insists is inevitable: the diverse, Nonwhite cesspool that will be America of the 22nd century when it gets here, assuming we all continue to follow the herd to the slaughterhouse they have prepared for us.
If you could dictate what was on your television at night, with your kids laying on the floor watching it, what would you choose? Would you opt for nearly naked women prancing around on the screen passing sexual innuendoes endlessly back and forth with obviously aroused males? Would you pick multiracial couples, and actors of confused racial ancestry being used as hero figures for your children? Would you create situations on the screen which are always located in the lowest part of our society, and peopled by those who have chosen to live like you hope your children will never have to live? If so, you should be very happy with the way things are. If, on the other hand, you are completely disgusted by these things being shown to your children, then you should realize that our society did not tolerate that sort of thing being shown to children before the Marxist takeover occurred.
The ones who run the media are openly hostile to you. They are openly hostile to your ancestors and they are down right vile to your children. The media is on an unholy quest to make White America a thing of the past. They promote the idea continually that it is inevitable, and that it is a wonderful change for American to become Nonwhite. They promote the ridiculously false idea that Whites harm Nonwhites more than they are harmed by Nonwhites. In all of their programming, they make White, racially aware people look stupid and thoughtless. Every aspect of the media is calculated to destroy the America that existed prior to the 1960s' Marxist takeover of our country.
What do you call attempts to destroy your nation from the inside? Does the word treason come to mind? If these were White Americans, whose ancestry was European, and rooted in our people's heritage, then treason is the right word. However, if when you read Part III of this series, you took the time to go over to the National Alliance,and read Who Rules America?, you found out that it is not treason, but merely sabotage by enemy spies. The people who run the media have no love for America, White people, or Western Civilization. They only care about money, and their own people. They feel no patriotism to this land that they are only temporarily attached to it, just as they have been all other White nations they have resided in. Martin Luther knew them,(2) as did many other White leaders of the past. (3)
What needs to be appreciated is that there is a problem. You may wish to argue the source of the problem, but it is a waste of valuable time, and exactly what our enemies want. The media is in enemy hands, whatever you want to call them. The media guarantees that a pro-White candidate like David Duke will never be elected, by slandering his good name every day, many times a day. The lemmings who watch the media believe whatever it tells them, and are controlled by that process. By the instrument of the media propaganda, the control of our democracy has been transferred to the hands of those who control the media. The media has by its own efforts done the following:
Created a false image in the minds of Americans as to what was going on and why.
In every case, the Leftist agenda was promoted by the media as if it were the way America always did business. Each of the causes, that I previously mentioned, received a positive presentation in all of the media outlets, even though they all were completely contrary to traditional American thought. As each of the causes grew in power, the media fostered and nurtured them into full blown political movements and finally entrenched them as unassailable ideas, complete with defensive barbs upon which anyone who opposed them would be impaled. The mechanism was very easy to see at work when John Rocker expressed a perfectly normal and sound concern about all the aliens running around in our country. The media immediately mobilized against him to crush him. If he had not fallen to his knees in quick submission he would have had his career instantly ended. He had to suffer through tremendous ridicule and oppression from all the media outlets, and Major League Baseball was forced to actually penalize him for speaking his mind openly.
As our way of life has been eroded away and replaced by the Marxist idea of the way a society should be run, we have seen a greater and greater percentage of our paychecks being taken away to pay for the government oppression we live under, our neighborhoods and schools fall into decay and the radical drop in the percentage of White people making up the total population of America. All the while the media has either made it all appear as "business as usual" in American life, or as unavoidable, inevitable change. Both of these ideas are nothing but lies, but the media keeps pumping them out, which has convinced the average White American that they are true. The false image is the primary characteristic of the media.
Repeatedly, with its propaganda, promoted anti-American ideas as being American.
The media has been the most important avenue for conveying the lies to America that are so much a part of our lives today. The lie that "America is a nation of immigrants" is promoted daily on the news. America has had immigrants all along, but its population was composed of 80% or more native born citizens at the time that this lie began to be promoted. The thing that gives a nation stability is the passing on if its heritage and culture from one generation to the next. By overloading a society with immigrants, assimilation is impossible and the society will be altered by that process. Also, an implied lie, embedded in the main lie, is that America has always accepted Nonwhite immigrants in the same numbers as White immigrants. Of course that is not true. America never had a large number of Nonwhite immigrants compared with White immigrants before 1965. But the media keeps pumping out this lie within a lie.
The idea that equality is American is another lie the media promotes strongly. America always divided the society up between levels of production, wealth, and race. It was never American to assume all people were going to have equal results in life, or that poor people were going to have all the benefits that rich people have. What brought this nation to greatness was the efforts of productive people who were allowed to soar to their maximum potential. The people who either were not motivated to soar, or were unable to soar were not rewarded at the same level as those who did. Yet, even the poor, unmotivated, untalented person still reaped the benefits of living in a nation where people were safe, secure and where plenty abounded. And the reason plenty was king, was because of the productivity of the free and talented entrepreneurs.
The egalitarian Marxist idea of "equality" flies in the face of the American ideas which were the foundation of this nation from the beginning. Forcing society to treat people differently than its members would naturally treat them is a form of oppression. To force society to pretend things are true that are not true is thought control. Causes like feminism and civil rights have been pushed upon America against its will. The majority of Americans did not accept either one of these causes, until the government force them down American throats, and then the media drummed the repetitive beat, over and over again for decades, promoting these ideas as being "American" ideas. But since, for nearly 200 years, America was dead set against these ideas, they of course were not American ideas!
Disparaged real American ideas.
While forcing the Marxist ideas upon the American public, the media has at the same time heaped ridicule upon the old tried and true American ideas and ideals. Where is the support for the White race that created the United States of America in the media? The White race has been fundament to American history and ideas. The White man is who fought the Indians and conquered the Indians. The White man is the one who brought freedom to the people of his country. The White race is the essence of America, but that fact is discredited, ignored and hidden by the media. Instead it promotes the lie of strength in diversity, as if there were some historical justification for believing that foolishness. There is more legitimate support for the concept of a "perpetual motion machine" than there is due to the concept of a "strong diverse nation." And the founding fathers of our nation knew this. Their ideas were anti-diversity and their ideas are the real American ideas. But the media attacks these real American ideas daily.
The American idea of freedom to be racist or sexist if desired is attacked like the plague by the media. All of our Founding Fathers were both racist and sexist. They believed that the sexes naturally have different roles in society, that were created by natural differences in the sexes. They did not think it realistic to get the sexes mixed up in their differing roles, and instead embedded firm differences into our society to deal with the natural sexual differences. This is the sound American view on feminism. The subject of race was another one that there was little disagreement about at the start of our country. They debated about slavery but not about a diverse nation. None of the founding fathers believed that diversity was a good idea.
What has the media done to these real American ideas? The media has made people who think like the Founding Fathers, those who view things the real American way, look like they are filled with hate and are disgusting people who are no better than animals. Anyone who openly expresses the same views that George Washington, Thomas Jefferson or Ben Franklin had on race or sexual roles in society is ridiculed as an inbred, stupid, redneck hater. The media is at war with all things traditionally American, while promoting the anti-freedom, anti-American philosophy of Marxism.
What has been the result of all of this effort by the media? How has it impacted the American people and their society?
The first glaring point of impact is that Whites no longer consider themselves a people. Thanks to the continuous propaganda stream from the media, White people have been conditioned to believe that they are not a real race of people, and even though the same media promotes the idea of ethnicity and race for all other people, White folks do not grasp the idea that the ridiculous double standard applied to Whites is weird, or unjust. There is no pride among White folks that they are the race that created America, through conquest and creative governmental ideas. They forget that they are the race that invented the vast majority of the technology around us. They do not feel pride at all in their own race and instead feel shame, where little or none is merited.
The next point of impact is that the racial demographics of America are rapidly changing but our people are dumbly ignoring it, as if it were perfectly natural and nothing to be worried about. Our founding fathers were very aware that racial demographics must be directed towards homogeneity. (4) There is nothing that will generate future conflicts within our nation than the diversifying of the racial American population. Each separate racial group will form a point of contention in the future. Each racial group will want its own language and culture to be respected and promoted. Each racial insult will be the basis of another feud. America will be pulled in as many directions as there are racial groups inside of her. This is not a difficult concept to understand, but thanks to the media brainwashing campaign, White Americans are afraid to even think about the subject, for fear of appearing racist, like John Rocker. And everyone knows what happened to him!
Another area of impact is the acceptance of cross racial crime directed against Whites. The other day I heard someone say that they did want their kids to watch television much, for fear they might see stories like the one one where, "stupid Whites dragged a Black man behind their truck just because he was Black." While I applaud the decision to keep the kids away from the pollution of the media, it is appalling that this person is so confused on cross racial crime. Most Whites today have the same incorrect impression about racial crime. They think that Whites harm Nonwhites far more than the Nonwhites harm us. The exact reverse is the real truth. (5)
While a dislike for crime of any sort is a healthy thing, an acceptance of falsehood is never good. To blame Whites for "hate crimes" (and you seldom, if ever, see anyone of any other race accused of such crimes), when other races are harming Whites far more often than the reverse, is insane! The only point to "hate crime" legislation is to attack White folks, not to stop "hate." There is far more hatred of Whites than by Whites. This wrong-headed legislation is directed at the wrong group to do any good at all, if ever it could do any good. The whole idea of "hate crimes" is absurd anyway. Crime is crime. Thoughts are not prosecutable in a free society. "Hate crime" is "thought crime" and out of place in America. If you commit murder, you should pay for it no matter why you did it. But in America, murder for a Politically Incorrect reason is worse than for any other reason, and thanks to the intensive media propaganda campaign, White Americans are swallowing this oppression as if it were just fine.
The last area I will mention is the destruction of our school system. What has been done to our children is unforgivable. As mentioned before the quality of education is a joke. The material covered is shallow and anti-White. Our children are graduating from school without a decent education. In spite of this fact, the White people who should know better are sitting still for this outrage. Our children are no dumber than their grandparents were. It is clear that the problem lies with the school system. But every attempt to really discuss the changes that have destroyed the school system is squashed by yet another media campaign of hatred against traditional American thought. The idea of driving the federal, Marxist controlled government out of the local school system, is attacked long and hard by the media. The idea of segregating the schools into racially homogenous groups is not even discussed. If mentioned it is attacked with hate and name calling, not facts. White folks are dumbly standing by, letting their own children be taught hate for White America, and little else, as they grow up. The media brainwashing campaign has made all of this possible.
In the final part of this series, I will discuss the end of America, that will come surly as sunset comes at the end of a day, if we do not change what we are doing.
1. "Nothing is more certainly written in the book of fate than that these people [Negroes] are to be free. Nor is it less certain that the two races, equally free, cannot live in the same government. Nature, habit, opinion has drawn indelible lines of distinction between them. It is still in our power to direct the process of emancipation and deportation peaceably and in such slow degree that the evil will wear off insensibly, and their place be ... pari passau filled up by free White laborers. If on the contrary it is left to force itself on, human Nature must shudder at the prospect held up." Autobiography, by Thomas Jefferson p. 1
2. Martin Luther spoke out against the Jew in very strong terms: Martin Luther on the Jews
3. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin and others all saw the danger: THE FRANKLIN PROPHECY
4. See A John Jay Jewel at A John Jay Jewel
5. For a good look at the fact on cross racial crime view The Color of Crime.
Who Rules America?
Only you can prevent extinction!